Absolutly not....within reason if its a matter of someone over the age of 18 dating someone say 16 or younger then what they crap do they think they are doing?!?!? i mean common age isnt that big of a deal but it sure in the heck can be twisted in ways that it most certainly does matter and should not happen
Hurray cookies :)
Tana Panda's are better than ninjas i can do almost anything and there is only 1 that can stop me... *Looks around for mrsbaggins*
I think that a 100% true friend is someone that you find in your life that your so comfortable around and happy with that you want to spend the rest of your life with them and the rest of your life making them smile when times get bad :)
Cartoon characters wear gloves becasue they have weak immune systems and dont want to get sick
OMG! Something about a guy that has hair as big as his body but sounds like his manly parts are in a C clamp casue such anger to coarse through my body.... i wish that band would frikin dissapear their music is complete crap in my books!
I like most of their music with the exception of a few songs and i also happen to own all of their cd's
I LOVE!!!! the panda song!!!
I liked the intro to the kingdom heart game... it was epic
Tana Pandas do love classic rock especially ac/dc,Led Zepplin,Pink Floyd, Etc....
I think that pushing yourself too hard does not exist. you push yourself to your limits and then your limits over time increase... now other pushing you too hard is a different story...
You have a valid point there mrsbaggins
I have read absolutly 0 of them becasue i prefer just to watch the anime instead of reading the mangas ;)
They just need to get rid of the monopoly that the fuel companies have and then we should see a dramatic decrease in prices!!
I didnt know that...
I had never heard of inkheart and then me and my girlfriend went to see a movie without knowing what was playing and it was there so we watched it... Its was really cute and i would definatly reccomend it but i say go with someone you like not alone or that would be weird.
The only 2 Manga series i have read are Deathnote and M.A.R and i prefer to watch the animes instead of reading them... and i dont care if the stories are incorrect i still enjoy them.
Maybe if they are not truly your friends... Real friends would love to see each other suceed in life and wouldnt care if one surpassed the other you know?
If they 100% proved that he is real then wouldnt that also stengthen the fact that he loves us all and we are all cappable of being forgiven for our sins? why would he send you to hell when your his child?? i think that if it was a 100% then people would be a lot more grateful and kind twards each other because we would all know that in the end we would be happy.
I would marry my fiancee and open a super large life insurance plan so that when i went she would be finacially secure for the rest of her life... I might not be able to be with her but atleast i could show my love by doing what i could to make her life easier and happier.