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  1. Tana_Panda
    Oh man just give it time!! That game is sooo effin fun! I love playing it with my GF and hitting her with a frying pan while on the skateboard and watching her fly off Rofl-Copter!!!!
    Post by: Tana_Panda, Feb 6, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  2. Tana_Panda
    No... no i do not find him hot... I Like girls!
    Post by: Tana_Panda, Feb 6, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Tana_Panda
    I like to play all the old school RPG's like the SNES Final Fantasies and the breath of fires cause i own them all along with the original systems.
    Post by: Tana_Panda, Feb 6, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  4. Tana_Panda
    I havent written it yet but i have an idea that if it turns out they way i want it to it will be 13 amazing books.
    Post by: Tana_Panda, Feb 6, 2009 in forum: Literature
  5. Tana_Panda


    Teen Sexting is a real problem and thats why young kids should not be allowed to have phones with a camera.... but sexting isnt such a bad thing for older couples and i mean like 18 and above so its legal. To each their own as long as its not breaking any laws is what i say.
    Post by: Tana_Panda, Feb 6, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  6. Tana_Panda
  7. Tana_Panda


    Um.... if its your mom why dont you just talk to her?
    Post by: Tana_Panda, Feb 4, 2009 in forum: Help with Life
  8. Tana_Panda
    I just go in an PEW PEW PEW YOUR DEAD!!!!! *looks back at goofy and donald just getting to the battle* "What took you guys so long?"
    Post by: Tana_Panda, Feb 4, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Tana_Panda
  10. Tana_Panda
    *Tana Panda ATTACK!!!!!!*
    Profile Post by Tana_Panda for Garxena, Feb 4, 2009
  11. Tana_Panda
    Played by:Tana Panda
    Appearance:White Hair, Green Eyes, Wears everyday casual clothing (Jeans and a T-shirt)
    Zodiac Force(constellation):Scorpio
    Post by: Tana_Panda, Feb 4, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Tana_Panda
    I dont like the Manga...
    Post by: Tana_Panda, Feb 4, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. Tana_Panda
    Lvl: 80
    Race: Undead
    Realm: Kel'Thuzad
    Professions: alchemy/herbalism
    Guild:Bellum Aeternus
    Name:NoGoodPreist (Yes i know priest is spelt wrong i did it on purpose)

    2nd Toon
    Guild:Bellum Aeternus
    Name: ShaTanaTwo (This is my most known character from way back in WoW Classic)

    3rd Toon
    Race:Blood Elf
    Professions:Jewel Crafting/Mining
    Class:Hunter(Beast Mastery)

    I stopped playing right after I hit lvl 80 on my Priest becasue i got a girlfriend started college and working... I was pretty big as far as being able to PUG most raids and being able to down the bosses. I also have 2 other toons but they are not high lvl so i dont feel the need to list them.
    Post by: Tana_Panda, Feb 4, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  14. Tana_Panda


    Ok first off lets start with the fact that most people dont even know that emo used to be a genre...... and then all the sudden it became a trend taking kids in by the thousands.... so to even get upset about the news calling MCR emo is a little silly casue if you take it back to just the genre then yes they are VERY emo... and if your looking at it that way then all these kids claiming to BE emo are the stupid ones because how can you be a genre? You might as well start saying things like.. i'm rap and i'm alternative, i'm death metal... these are all along the same lines.
    Post by: Tana_Panda, Feb 4, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  15. Tana_Panda
    You really need to make the fact that you are not interested known and if that doesnt help then you need to turn to someone in authority if things get scary or you think they might get scary.
    Post by: Tana_Panda, Feb 3, 2009 in forum: Help with Life
  16. Tana_Panda
    if you cant talk to her freely then that is a problem in itself.... maybe you should ask yourself if its her that your falling in love with or that fact that you never have to be alone becasue you have her that your getting attached to.
    Post by: Tana_Panda, Feb 3, 2009 in forum: Help with Life
  17. Tana_Panda
    Things like this are terrible and it makes me wonder what exactly goes on through peoples head as they do these things....
    Post by: Tana_Panda, Feb 3, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  18. Tana_Panda
    i dont know about the drugs and alchohol but i have no problem with talking about sex with people.. Its human nature to do that so i dont find anything wrong with it as long as no one is offended by it
    Post by: Tana_Panda, Feb 3, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  19. Tana_Panda
    I have never cried while reading a book... maybe that makes me weird or i just dont read the sad stuff
    Post by: Tana_Panda, Feb 3, 2009 in forum: Literature
  20. Tana_Panda
    I thought it was very well done and if i remember correctly ita the one me and my family went on saw in thanksgiving when it released
    Post by: Tana_Panda, Feb 3, 2009 in forum: Disney Galaxy