Who is this member that is threatening to kill herself unless Haseo is banned?
Thats right... I am only crazy about 1 thing and 1 thing only..... COOKIES!!!!! oh and my GF..... when she has COOKIES!!!!
Uh ya a cookie knife you think i am crazy enough to use a real one?
*Grabs a panda knife* Dont mess with me i'll do it!!! I'll cut myself!*Cant hold back any longer he moves the knife twards him and bites the end...
It was funny yes?
*pounces and Panda attacks the cookies* I'm doing good how about yourself? Oh and if you havent already check out the recent thread in discussion...
*Tana Panda begins to choke on the drama!!* Save the Tana Panda's!!!! Dont try to create real life situations with a web site! *cough**cough*
Yup its fun! I get to pretend to be short... Now i can somewhat see what its like to be my short GF :)
Not much. Just RPing as Edward and my own made up character on a FMA thread :)
I personally enjoyed F.E.A.R because that game is a great shoot-em-up and it freaked me out (I play at night with a headset on and no one else around)
I think that his character was completly necessary so therfore i like him for fitting into the story.
See nothing to worry about unless its happening all the time :)
Welcome! Hope you have fun
*Tana Panda attack!!!*
PoP is a way great game and ya it has its really easy moments but you turn the diffuculty up and its frikin hard!
My gf has read them and she buys the comics which number 5 just came out recently so we need to go get it. Anyway she loves them
OMG!!! Why couldnt i go to school there!? i mean thoses are one lucky group of kids!
LOL he knows how to put it kindly i guess.... Great guy! I <3 Stephen
Ya no doubt the series is good but when it comes to parts like the spirit bomb with freeza it gets frikin annoying how they drag things on soooo much. But despite all that I <3 the Buu Saga
I get that too sometimes. i think its just something getting caught but if you think its a serious problem then definatly see a doctor. I havent seen a doctor and it hasnt and doesnt happen very often so i dont feel the need to.