Welcome and have fun... and watch the goonies because that movie rocks!
Psh not only do i like to Goonies but i think that if you live in America and havent seen the Goonies then you are not a true American *Screams*...
Things are easy so welcome and have fun!
I have an original copy of Chrono Triiger for the SNES. Welcome! hope you have fun!
Well the easy answer is you go with the one you think that you would get along with the most... I mean just becasue you have things in common with both of them doesnt make them both a good pick. You gotta go with the one that will make you the happiest in all aspects.
You stood up and then fell to the floor?? thats not very discriptive on the problem so i dont know what to say other than probably dont stand up so fast if it was indeed a head rush.. or maybe you need to make sure that both your legs have woken up before you try to stand on them.
Wow i remember beating him in KH1 but I think that io got bored with the game trying to 100% it and never ended up actually even attempting him.
Toy story all the WAY!!!! Buzz FTW! lol no really i think Toy Story was amazing.
I played Twilight Princess but i still think that Link to the Past was the best one they made for the SNES
Oh my gosh i love Adam Sandler!! And the wedding singer is a classic! right up there with Ferris Buelers day off and The Goonies :) :) :)
I saw the movie when it was in theaters and i personally though it was terrible and a waste of money. I have never walked out on a movie before i saw this one :(
I dont i am quite fond of whats going on in my life right now. I have a job i got to college and i have a very BEAUTIFUL girlfirend that i am in love with.
Blaming the parents and the schools for kids doing this is silly... and even though they definatly have an impact on how kids are raised they are not the only factor to this equation. Like i said before if your 18 or older then this is not a problem but when it comes to underage kids then its a serious problem. i think your all just assuming that this only happens from kid to kid and bf and gf. take into account too that this is being used as a means to send nudes to older people....
The correct answer is neither but i choose to keep this to the superstitial opinions and say Body... There is a little name for it here where i live and its called paper bag syndrome. the body is hot but the head needs a paper bag so that it doesnt distract you.... another term for it is but-her-face or butterface it means that its all hot but her face :)
If they do make a movie i hope that its a stand alone that explains the inbetween or something like that it definatly has the chance of being totally frikin awesome but if someone stupid is incharge then it might turn out lame... so i guess we will just have to see what they do and hope for the best :)
ok here we go... I have a: NES SNES PS1 PS2 N64 Sega Genesis Game Cube Wii Gameboy Gameboy SP Gameboy DS PSP And like a million games for just the NES and SNES those 2 are my favorite ones.
Daniel Craig all the way he is a sex pot and everyone knows it :)
First off if you do go out with her and then break up...you dont have to stop talking to anyone. The only reason you would stop talking to people is if you didnt have the self-esteem to continue to do so. and if you have that kind of a problem then you probably shouldnt ask her out. so i suggest you suck it up and go out with her if you want to. you wont know what happens unless you try right? and if it doesnt work out then oh well atleast you tried and you shouldnt feel weird talking to all your friends. :)
*Tana Panda attack!!!* Dont do it dont give into the little emo child!