I can understand the PSP not being so much worht it but i mean COMMON!!! The DS is only like friking awesome!!! i love my DS with a passion i mean i get to play all my favorite FF games on the go! The PSP is getting better no doubt but Nintendo DOMINATES the handheld world of today!
Welcome! If your enemy is a crab then you should cook it and feed it to the Tana Panda with a side of cookies!
I find it hard to take anything that Ginta and Riku Lover say.... they like to stir up drama and post it here. we have already had an issue with both of them so i dont see why this post should be any different from the others. If your hearing voices then go see a DOCTOR not a forum.
You need to talk to him about this problem and tell him straight forward how you feel. if he doesnt get his **** together then you need to go find a better man that will treat you the same no matter where you are. As for the age difference i am 22 and my gf is 18 so i beat you by 6 months and it doesnt matter to us about the 4 year difference.
Well first off if you like her then just ask her out. maybe she was drunk when she texted you and didnt relize that it was you. but like the other kid said this is old so tell us what happened.
First off i think that Miley is possibly the worst role model ever for kids.... Rumor has it that she already has a contract with playboy that goes into effect on her 18th birthday.. she is totally the next Spears and she will fall hard when she finally takes things too far. Sure its lame that she is being sued over that picture especially when 1 other person was doing the same thing. if she is being sued then that kid should also have to cover the cost of the 4 billion. i dont agree with the law suit but i defiantly dont like her.
Well if she likes the "Cool Guys" Then this is what you need to do. Start dressing like the guys that she likes, Start acting like the guys she likes, and most importantly DONT act like your interested in her. If you become the kind of guys she likes and stop being interested in her then she will become interested in you. you dont have to beleive that your one of the "Cool Guys" you just have to act it. trust me when i graduated high school i had never been with a girl and then i decided that i was done being socially ******ed with girls so i started acting cocky and all confident like i knew i was all that and a bag of chips... and guess what. i have made out with more girls than most guys will ever know in their lives. not that i do this anymore becasue i am with one girl in particular that i am quite ready to start my real life with. but its all in how you present yourself. i think that the key to your problem above all else is to pretend that your not interested in her. i mean still talk to her but dont go out of your way for her just keep it casual and talk to other girls more then her.. i bet you anything it drives her nuts.
Sounds to me like you need to take a deep breath and to get a hug. So what if you dinged someone car. but you still should have left a note or something. especially if it really was your fault. second dont take what drunk people say for anything... when i drink i am in love with everyone and want to make out with every girl there... atleast thats how it used to be before i got a GF..(I Love you Mrsbaggins :)) So just take it easy and have fun! its all going to be ok. *Tana Panda hug* HA HA HA 1st post!
If things didnt work out then things didnt work out. Sure it hurts but you just need to keep on moving forward in life and someone else will eventually come along and you will fall for her.
In order to get the internet completly shut down they would have to shut down every MAJOR server as well as all the little ones that people have build in their homes. So yes the internet COULD be completly shut down but it would take one hell of a program or organization to do it.... so in other words no it will never happen.
KFC or McDonalds. They are both super fatty!
Yes we are all sinners. But i personally dont want to be completly pure... I commit some pretty fantastic sins. And i enjoy them lots.
Depends on the ability of the one tossing out the words. if they know enough about you then they can do some serious damage. but if they are just being a ****** about something then why should you care?
Now i cant remember for sure but didnt they make a second Goonies? or maybe i am just thinking they did and instead of a second movie they just made 2 games for it for the NES. hmmm i forget.
Thats too bad my and my sweetie Mrsbaggins work at the same job with the same hours so we see each other every day. Its great!
LOL sounds good to me. she hasnt been telling my GF that i am cheating on her but if she did my GF would know it isnt true because i am with her...
Well then the American rule doesnt apply to you and you get to just enjoy an amazing movie :)
Ok so lets discuss one of the greatest movies of all time. THE GOONIES!!! Hurray for the truffle shuffle... oh man that always makes me laugh so hard i almost pee my pants. What do you all love about this movie?
People for the most part are nice so have fun while your here. no doubt there are a few people that just LOVE to kick up drama but they dont last long :)
Oh you will be back... they always come back HA HA HA HA HA HA. Have fun! until we see you again.