HEYY For the voice acting thread heres the link for the offical website it contains the newest trailers and you can make friends and edit your...
u dont need to know ff9 to be in this the storyline and script is completely of my creation though ff9 holds the plot of this tale i am writing deeper into the story and doing what ff9 didnt include so yes i need male actors the most
I HIGHLY doubt someone just made this with voices and detailed scenerys dont forget the characters pictures sigs wallpapers someone didnt just make this alright thats too far fetched
thank u soo much
umm if u didnt know..my old account got deleted..all 155 vids 1190 friends 700 subs and two years of work..GONE well i did this video as for my returning..i loved it i just uploaded a other one but it was sad..poor sora..but this one is happy watcha think http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOindqwmTBc
not what i heard theres real things 4 it
actually it ISNT NUMBER 2 OF THE GAME JUST NUMBER 2 OF THE TRAILER OF THE SAME VIDEO GAME it isnt like a numbr 2 of the game for ex. kh2 it was just number 2 of the trailer =]
yeah i got deleted but i have a new account would u like to audition though
ALOT OF PEOPLE ARE PARTICIPATING IN THIS.. (NOT ALL CHARACTERS ARE LISTED HERE OR IN THE TRAILER. THIS IS ONLY FOR CHAPTER 1) Heyy Guys I am doing the play by chapters i have been working so hard on this, this week and i need you guys to not let my work go to waste. i really need male voice actors so please help me out. heres the characters for chapter 1 read their profile and choose This is based on the play in ff9 but im writing deeper into the plot kh characters are in it but the personality and everything is changed. HERES THE LINK TO THE OFFICAL WESITE!! http://iwanttobeyourcanary.ning.com/ THATS THE PLACE WHERE IT HOLDS BOTH THE YOUTUBE CHANNEL AND GROUP. ALSO THE TRAILERS ARE THERE. YOU CAN ADD FRIENDS MUSIC AND MAKE YOUR OWN PAGE SO PLEASE JOIN!
thank u so much =] i love ff9
aahh x-mas is almost here now yaay
well u know how roxas had double keyblades that are the same exact one she has
Yes she made a suprise appearance in the all out girl brawl game Final Fantasy vs Dead or Alive Girls ( i know this is old but i finally found pics) she fights like sora i thought it was a joke not to have Yuffie in there i dont know heres a couple of pics So kairi haters that say she cant fight....WELL SHE CAN NOW!!!! watch the trailers
again u dont change my mind u say shes a ***** then explain how ur no different than the rest
yeah im fine a lil down and depressed but school is making me happy =] why? are you alright
am i late or can i be someone!?!?!
so hows everything now?