I hate how people are saying the secret ending from kh2 was a trailer for KH3! OMG!! BUT UHH..no..it was for birth by sleep and people need to stop getting it al mixed up..the thing is..why does Ven look soo much like Roxas? and why were they all fighting if the bald guy was their master
OMG....well most of all i would save Roxas...but except for him i would really really really SAVE AXEL i almost cried when he died and he didnt even get to see roxas like how he used to be..the new kh game u an see how close they were..then..now roxas didnt even remember him that must've hurt Axel alot
I loved it sweetie
GEEZ THANK U..gosh pissed me off when sora cried for riku..and was all like..* oh hi kairi* grrrrrrrrrRR but i do like kairi alot maybe if they didnt have that love triangle thing going on..she would be liked more..but i liked that whole theme of it..you know its soo high school lmao
tired taking exams here and there
haha no need for that i think they need to get slapped up!!! its dumb for hating someone like her cause we know damn well if we had a kind caring friend like her...we would like her i'd rather have someone like her than the whores in our lifetime or the drama starters, the drug user, and party achololics
thank you !! god and i thought that kairi going after sora was a good idea HELL I WOULD'VE GOTTEN SICK OF WAITING..but yeah when axel grabbed her...she didnt do a thing..which pissed me off but u know i dont hate her for it IT HAD TO HAPPEN based on the story..and man..i HATE NAMINE kairi cares alot about sora so you can NEVER really point it out that she doesnt namine has like no emotions..like how she told roxas he never was suppose to exist..she was too plain about it..kairi actually showed sadness and everthing..she cried when she saw sora's paopu fruit..and she drew it back cause she has feelings for him =]
so how r u =]
yeah square should've put more characteristic into her character..but she isnt like the WORSE CHARACTR EVER thus she shouldnt be hated maybe..i think..it was a change for sqaure..they havent made a character like her..exept penelo from f12..hmmm
again..how is she dumb? no proof.she was a fun character that really needed a side to her story..but nomura didnt..so thats why
geez thank u for the greatest answer ever lmao BUT People in real life are like her so judging her a being a damsel in distress all thedamn time is a lil bit to harsh although when axel kidnapped her she really didnt do anything but THAT WAS THE POINT she HAD TO GT KIDNAPPED its just how the storyline was meant to be..so then we can blame the storyline as well for her character traits
nice to meet you =] and np i just wanna make new cool friends hope you didnt mind
yaaay the ending..kiss scene..everything was sooo epic =]]
heyy hows everything
gosh thank u soo much
Ugh..still for the people that hate her...you havent given one good detailed reason =[ i guess haters just hate for selfish dumb reason =PP haha
ahh alright great they all end up having the same affect that she shouldnt be hated and alot of people on youtube hates her for yaoi reasons more than at least 20 hahah that i know yes it is dumb huh
umm have u seen the polls/? some do hate her for yaoi reasons
alright hun i see what you mean AGAIN ITS THE CREATOR'S FAULT that she didnt have much of a character i wanna know based on how she really is for why u dont like her
Updated voice actors PLEASE READ HEYY For the voice acting thread heres the link for the offical website it contains the newest trailers and you can make friends and edit your own lil page PLEASE JOIN EVEN AS A FAN http://iwanttobeyourcanary.ning.com/ also if you wanna voice act just say so please THIS IS WHERE IT HOLDS BOTH THE YOUTUBE CHANNEL AND GROUP. ALSO THE TRAILERS ARE THERE. YOU CAN ADD FRIENDS MUSIC AND MAKE YOUR OWN PAGE SO PLEASE JOIN! THE PLAY IS CUT INTO CHAPTERS I WILL NEED MORE MAIN PARTS AS MORE CHAPTERS ARE DONE SO IF YOU WOULD LIKE MAIN PART ASK OR KEEP UP TO DATE TO SEE IF THERE ARE AN AVAILABLE