OOC: *thinks* What was the last thing that happened when you posted?
Namine smiled sheepishly. "I will. I'm just not good at the whole landing thing yet..."
Alyce fell backward, not catching her balance in time. "I'm such a klutz..." she muttered, pulling herself up from the ground. Realizing she'd walked straight into Jake and knocked him over, she gave him a sheepish smile. "Sorry about that..." OOC: LOL...and just when I was getting bored too. :P See you tomorrow, Rax.
Alyce walked along the hallways, looking over at the walls occasionally. Stupid shadow's made me so paranoid...
Namine finished her call with Olette and decided to look for Azure. She stuck the feather in her pocket, and floated to the ground, but ended up landing on her back. "Ow..."
OOC: Random thought: You play a great shadow, Rax. ^-^ I suck at playing villains. ^^;
My favorites would have to be the first Halloween Town movie, 'Mom's Got a Date with a Vampire', and 'Phantom of the Megaplex'. I'm drawing a blank on the other decent Disney Halloween movies at the moment... :P
I loved all the books, but I'd have to say that my favorite book was OotP, even though one of my favorite characters died at the end.
Half teh time, it seems like your question gets ignored though. >>
Alyce yawned lightly as she got up from her bed. I'm glad I remembered to head back to my dorm before I crashed...it would have been pretty embarrasing to fall asleep in the middle of the hallway. She smiled faintly, feeling more awake now, and headed out of her dorm.
Namine smiled dryly. "Interesting...enemies unite finally."
Namine laughed lightly at the pictures. "...wow..."
"Poor Roxas. Tell Pence to get some pictures of the fight...I have to see evidence of this epic event in history."
OOC: Huzzah for teleportation! XD Sorry...I'm a little sugar high at the moment. ^^;
Olette laughed lightly. "You're right. I'll be out in a minute." She ran inside and rumaged through her closet for her orange bikini. After changing out of her clothes and into the bikini, she slung a towel over her shoulder and headed outside. "I'm ready to go."
OOC: It's annoying me too. For the past few days, I thought I was missing a page that I hadn't read or something. :P
Olette smiled. "Here we go." Her house was easy to spot with the pale yellow paint contrast to the blue and white houses around it. She headed towards the door and looked over at Riku. "Are you coming in or waiting out here?"
Alyce sighed. I wonder where Jasmine is. I want to go check up on her, but I don't want to just leave Jake here... She leaned against the wall tiredly. I could use some rest too...today's been a really long day.
Olette reached the shore and got out of the boat. "Good thing it's not that far of a walk to my house."
"It's alright. It wasn't your fault." Alcye told him, giving his hand a tight squeeze before standing up and looking around. After all of this, none of us should be alone for very long. Speaking of us...where is Jasmine?