"Me too." Namine got out of the ship and headed towards town.
Namine nodded. "Let's get something to eat first. Besides, maybe we'll run into Olette while we're out eating."
OOC: Howdy. What is it with you and PL never being on at the same time? 0.0
OOC: XD...um...yeah. Jasmine kind of disappeared for the moment, and she's all darkside now. Me and Rax are on teh roof. :P What is it with you guys and never being on at the same time? 0.0
Namine shrugged. "We probably have to go searching around for her."
Namine steaded herself. "Ow...next time, I'm driving, okay?" she muttered tiredly.
"Let's just hope you don't crash us somewhere, Kai." Namine muttered, looking out the window as they took off, leaving the Destiny Islands behind.
"I never got how Sora figured out how to drive one of these...I figured he would have crashed it or something." Namine muttered as she looked the ship over.
Alyce shrugged lightly. "I have no clue..." she muttered, still scared out of her mind. OOC: Laters.
Alyce sighed as she finally reached the top of the roof, exhustated, only to find that Jake was perfectly fine and that both shadows were gone. I just ran a long flight of stairs for nothing?
OOC: Laters. ^^ "Okay, I'll see you later Olette." Namine smiled and hung up, before heading back to where Kairi was waiting inside. She added Sora's 200 munny to the pay, and grinned as it officially became theirs to own.
The one time I wish I could fly... Alyce sighed nervously and frantically headed towards the stairs that she hoped led to the roof.
Alyce turned around and attempted to pull Jake away from Essence.
"In a few hours probably; I don't know how far the Destiny Islands is from Twilight Town."
Alyce looked at the growing darkness fearfully. How ironic is it that the thing I was scared of when I was little might kill me? Jasmine...no, Essence's words echoed in her head as she ran.
"That would be Geryl who stabbed you." OOC: You're seriously keeping score? :P
"That's good. I don't think any of us want to go through trying to get the shadow out of you again." Alyce muttered dryly. OOC: Teh darkside! It burns! :P
Namine smiled and quickly headed over to one of the ATMs to withdraw the 200 munny. I'll pay him back later.
"No problem." Alyce replied back, smiling faintly. "Just don't go get possessed again."
Alyce gave him her attempt at a comforting smile. "You don't have to tell me it if you don't want to. I just...wanted you to know that I'll always be there if you need me."