"Don't worry; I won't die on you that easily." She smiled and got up, heading towards her dorm. And now to relax...if that's even possible.
"Okay, then we just have to survive a few more days. Should be easy enough..." Alyce muttered sarcastically, but smiled faintly. "Do I really want to know how you learned to make bombs?"
Alyce remained silent and staring at her feet, before muttering, "Are you sure there's no other way out of this school? At this point, I don't even care how dangerous it is."
"Nami has some theory about a bright enough light getting rid of it..." Alyce muttered, wondering what Nami had ever done with that mega flashlight.
"I know." Alyce muttered, slumping against the lockers tiredly. "I'm just getting sick of it all. We never get a break."
"Just checking." Alyce replied, somehow managing a cheerful tone. Jake didn't look fine, but she didn't want to nag him about it if he already looked stressed and tired enough.
Alyce smiled and lightly replied, "Hey Geryl. I was starting to worry the shadow'd gotten you or something; I haven't seen you in a while." She looked over at Jake. "Are you doing okay?"
Alyce got up from her spot against one of the lockers. I need to be less paranoid... Heading absentmindedly down the row of lockers, she spotted Jake and Geryl. Managing a faint smile, she said, "Hey guys."
The sound of something slamming into one of the lockers jolted Alyce out of her silence. It's just a locker... she thought, hugging her knees tightly. Since when did I get so dang paranoid?
OOC: Sora just appeared. Other than that, nothing's happened.
Namine laughed lightly when she noticed Kairi was still hugging Sora. Still, seeing Sora and Kairi meet up made her wonder where Roxas was...
"Sora probably followed you here, Kairi." Namine replied lightly.
"Olette...it's obvious to almost everyone that you like Hayner." Namine replied, rolling her eyes.
OOC: *shrug* I always thought she either liked Hayner or Roxas. Namine gave an embarrased smile before replying, "And what about you and Hayner, Olette?"
Namine was bright red. "Okay, I kind of like him..." she muttered sheepishly.
Namine blushed faintly. "Olette, I thought you weren't going to talk about me and Roxas anymore..." She gave Aki a light shrug.
"Nice to meet you; I'm Namine."
Namine smiled. "Boys; can't live with them, can't live without them."
OOC: 'Tis fine. ^^ "They're always fighting, aren't they?" Namine muttered lightly.
"Olette, there you are. We were looking for ya" Namine smiled brightly.