"Selphie?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "You think Selphie is my girlfriend?" "She does seem like she likes you, Riku." Namine joked lightly.
"I don't see your boyfriend anywhere, Olette. Did he ditch you or something?" Riku asked lightly, shaking off the feeling he was being watched.
"At least someone didn't forget about me." Riku muttered dryly and gave Namine a faint smile, before frowning faintly. A chill ran up his spine. Someone was watching him. Namine looked at Riku curiously. "Something wrong, Riku?" Riku shook his head. "It's nothing." he lied.
OOC: No problem. =) I can't believe Sora and Kairi rode off to Twilight Town without me. Riku rolled his eyes as he spotted the group. "Aren't you guys forgetting about someone?" Namine turned around and grinned brightly. "Hey Riku."
"You're just probably thinking about Kairi too much, Sora." Namine teased. OOC: I can take up Riku for now if you guys want me to...
Namine shrugged and lightly replied, "I think it's just you, Sora."
OOC: I went to one of those a while ago. Have fun! ^^ Alyce shrugged. "I don't know. They look like research to me...but I'm not sure whose they are. And I didn't get much time to think about them, because the second after I picked them up, the hall went up in flames." She handed them over to Jake and asked, "Are we any closer to getting out of this dump?"
Alyce sighed as she looked down at her feet, not trusting herself to look up and not break down. She suddenly remembed the papers and reached for her sketchbook, flipping it open to them. Surprisingly enough, her sketchbook and the notes had made it through the fire in pretty good condition.
Alyce smiled weakly. "Thanks. I-I seriously thought I was going to d-die back there." She stood up, steadying herself and looking back at the flames on the other side of the hallway. "We should probably keep moving..."
"I...I'm fine." It had taken Alyce a second to realize Jake was there. "I just want to get out of here..." And she didn't just mean the fire. She wanted it all to be over; the fire, the fear that she wouldn't wake up the next morning, the fear that Jake wouldn't wake up the next morning.
Alyce was caught between relief that she'd been heard, and fear that she was going to die there before anyone got to her. She coughed, rubbing her eyes as she tried not to breathe in the smoke from the fire.
Alyce grimaced, trying to see through the fire. Come on...there has to be a way out of here. I'm not dying yet! She faintly heard Jake's voice echo through the hallway and putting all her current energy into being heard, shouted, "Jake? Are you out there?"
"Not really." Alyce replied, determined not to show the shadow she was freaked out. And of course, with her wonderful luck, the fire just happened to be closing in on her. Joy.
Alyce froze when she noticed a wall of flame forming around her and looked for a path out of the fire nervously. Dammit...and just when I thought I was getting a break from Mr. Insane.
Alyce had been walking aimlessly through the hallway towards where she hoped Jake's dorm was, when the sound of paper being crinkled made her stop. Leaning down, she noticed a couple of papers lying on the floor. She picked them up, and carefully straightened one of them, curious to see what it was. Some sort of...research? The handwritting doesn't look familiar. Shrugging, she fixed them up a little bit before placing them in her sketchbook and continuing walking.
OOC: Heh...sorry I've been gone for ages, peoples. School's been really stressful lately. -.- Gwyxn smiled brightly as she explored Twilight Town, sea salt ice cream in hand. Nothing like good old ice cream... A crowd up ahead caught her attention. Curious, she made her way through the crowd so that she was far up enough to see what was going on. Noticing the Struggle Match, and recognizing Reixa as one of the competitors, she grinned, taking a bite out of her ice cream. I haven't seen one of these...wait, have I ever been to a Struggle Match before? Oh well...beat that stupid smirk off his face, Reixa!
Alyce stretched her legs out, flipping absentmindedly through one of her old sketchbooks and feeling slightly more awake than earlier. Thank god for caffiene...
Yesh. My high school's filled with them. T.T
:blink: Vexen. Definately Vexen.
These are pretty well done. Kudos to whoever made them; it probably took a lot of work.