Alyce hugged him tightly, a few tears sliding down her face. Everything seemed like it came out then; her fears over the past few days, her homesickness. "I just...I feel so stupid." she muttered softly.
Alyce's smile faltered and she was silent for a moment before quietly replying, "Let's just say...worse as in that fake fight a few days ago hit a little too close to home."
"Well, you're not that annoying. I've met worse guys." She gave him a bright smile.
Alyce smiled faintly. "I...think I'll stick with you just a little longer."
Alyce was silent for a moment before taking a deep breath and answering. "I think I'll take it up."
Alyce stared at her sketchbook for a second. Of course I've been thinking about's been on my mind all day. "Um...yeah, of course I have."
Alyce smiled and shrugged. "Just looking through old sketches."
Alyce paused on a page, and looked up. "Avoiding teachers. I skipped out about half my classes."
OOC: ...yup. You can be the mysterious person, if ya want. :P
Homework just exists to torment us. D:
Alyce flipped through one of her books, only paying partial attention to what she was doing. Hopefully, my teachers aren't going to realize I skipped out on about half my classes today...
That sucks. I still need to buy a new friend lost mine a couple weeks ago. >.>
OOC: Wait, does that mean this RP is actually alive again? 0.0 Aly blinked, waiting for the mysterious person's response.
Alyce gave him a light wave as he walked off. "No problem." OOC: Alrighty.
Alyce rolled her eyes and gave him a sympathetic smile. "Believe me, I feel your pain."
"Hiya." Alyce replied brightly. "Whatcha been up to, Geryl?"
OOC: Well, you are mysterious. I had no clue if ya were a boy or a girl before you said something about it. :P Wow, I'm on a pretty decent roll so far. I haven't been set on fire yet, and I haven't been caught out of class. Alyce smiled faintly and sat down by one of the lockers, tired. Now, as long as karma doesn't backfire on me, I should be fine.
My most abused emoticons would have to be... ^^ T.T
Jake offered to let me go with him...but... Alyce sighed. She was probably missing class, but she didn't really care at the moment. I'd probably better get out of here before someone else comes back. She gathered her things and left the room. OOC: I finally know the truth about the mysterious Rax now! (LOL) It's ironic that for the two hours I'm gone, you guys all come on and then disappear. :P
"Me and Roxas? I...we're just..." Namine stuttered, bright red. "We-we're fine." "Well, at least you've got friends, right?" Riku watched Namine and Aki's, amused slightly. OOC: Laters, I'm leaving too.