Four days later: I defeated the 1000 Heartless in Hollow Bastion. EASY as. I barely lost any health. They could have made it harder, but alas. I am moving onto Port Royal Episode II. I need to go back to Halloween Town, because I didn't actually complete it before going to HB again (let's just say I don't like Halloween Town).
Eight years later: Red, Yellow, looking to aquire a Blue, Silver (the best of them all...), Gold, Ruby, LeafGreen, Pearl (...althought Pearl might come out on top [yes, I do have it]). Pearl so far is fantastic. I have defeated the second gym (I am NOT rushing through this game) and just took a break yesterday. I hope to get to the third town today and possibly beat the Gym. Although, the routes are long-winded compared to previous games, with Pokmon late teenage levels-early twenties by the time I arrived at the second town. I want a Pinpuku egg...NOW! ;)
Why can't people get it is the creativity corner? *sighs* Anyway, that was pretty good. Like DarknessKingdom said though, your timing could be a bit better. At the start, I felt like the timing was decent. Timing can improve however. The song was decent as well. This deserves a 3/5.
Not to far off Roxas. They have broadcasted 472 episodes (my goodness they have survived a while).
I haven't been on this website for a long time. You seem like a fantastic member and it is sad to see you go. But sometimes, that is the way life works. Good luck in this life, and may we indeed meet in the next. EDIT: That was what I originally typed. I had my suspicions though that it wasn't true, just saying a nice goodbye speech...damn me and my annoying habit of not reading after the first page or so before making a reply.
I do admit, when I first heard about FM, I was extremely peeved. I mean, I saw no point to bringing out a second version a year or so later. I still think it is pointless. The thing is though, I can see it from their perspective. They want to reap us of our money, and they are trying their hardest to make a quality game. They don't their consumers to lose interest however, so they make a 80% complete version and call it complete. Some months down the track, they go back and finish it off like it was meant to be. Annoying, yes, but for them, profit is all they want.
Yeah, if they didn't have so many pointless filler crud and some CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, I might like it slightly more. If it was a bit darker, I also wouldn't mind it. Alas, never in this lifetime. But I still play the games. Red, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Ruby, LeafGreen and Pearl I currently own. An addictive game series, just like KH.
Hypocrites. Hypocrites. Did I forget to mention Hypocrites? My main pet peeve is Hypocrites, and that sometimes, I get to easily distracted.
That made my day. THat was just comedy at its finest. 'I'll pay it to see it again, and again, and again, and again, but not six times!' ~ Professor Frink Nice job.
Well, everything would change. The whole universe and the space-time continum would cease to exist because in reality Sora was meant to be the weilder in reality so we would cease to exist. You understand that? Good, because I was just typing random stuff. Good question, but obvious answer. It would be a different Kingdom Hearts, and we would explore Riku's character instead of Sora's.
Favourites Olympus - A nice place to gain experience, and an awesome world. 100 Acre Wood - No, I'm serious. I am old enough to know better, but I love Winnie the Pooh, just because of the innocence...I'm going to stop typing now -_-;. Sucked Atlantica - My GOD, do I even need to explain this one?
Well, I am glad it is back online. Even though I am only new here, I am glad this forum is back online, with the simplistic problem fixed ;).
Kingdom Hearts II.V: Bound by Memories - Coming possibly Summer (Australian) 2007 Kingdom Hearts III: Genesis of Memories - Coming possibly Summer (Australian) 2008 or 2009 Tales of the Thirteen - An Organization XIII Anthology - Coming April 2007 The Kingdom Hearts: The Television Series - Coming February 2007 Hey Roxas, I could help you with that Writer's Workshop if you want.
No. The. Card. System. Sucked. As you can see, I don't like the card system. It was pointless. If it was the turn by turn with options like the first KH, then I would have been happy. No, the card system was innovative, sure. However, I just don't like it. Reloading was a pain in the butt, and I never liked a system like that.
Before KH, I did not like Disney. There were few films of theirs that had been decent quality (i.e. Mulan, PotC, Pixar Movies). If they changed it to all original worlds, that would be a nice change, but the two things that make KH what it is is that it has Disney worlds. I, personally, want to see FF worlds or original worlds in the third one.
Right, I am Australian, but as far as a Woman President or Leader. She might run things differently, I think she woul drun things differently like Roxas said. However, as human beings, we all deserve a chance to do something. Personally, I would not mind a female President (because of the one you lot have now). A Female Prime Minister would be nice as well. I, personally, want to see a woman try and step up.
The last thing I did: Complete the Land of Dragons and Olympus. Might I say, Valor is a FANTASTIC form for fighting in. I practically lowered down Shan-Yu's health bar by a whole bar section with that Drive Form. Extremely fast, extremely powerful, but I am not going to use it to much. I prefer not to become Anti-Form if at all possible.
Well, hello there all, I am BHK. I have been a Kingdom Hearts fan since 2005 (yes, I am a but late), when I bought myself the first game. And that was to be the start of my KHmania. I am a writer, and I also like to play Video Games. I think SE make some of the best games. My other favourite gaming franchise that SE don't make are either the Zelda games, Pokemon, or Sonic the Hedgehog. I am currently writing a KH II.V and a III, my interpretation. Cheers, BHK PS: Some of you kight know me from KHInsider as +Final Mix+.