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  1. TheKingdomCame
    Final Cut Express!

    Final Cut Express all the way for me.:rockdover: That program is really fun, and while it may not be as good as Sony Vegas, you can still make some awesome vids with it.
    Post by: TheKingdomCame, Sep 6, 2008 in forum: Production Studio
  2. TheKingdomCame
    Thank you so much!!
    Post by: TheKingdomCame, Sep 6, 2008 in forum: Technology
  3. TheKingdomCame
    Pretty much ur right, like in Sonic Heroes you choose a character (or team) to play as, and then you play as them until the end. Their stories are similar, and they meet up at a couple of points along the way. You CANNOT, however, switch characters completely off the fly.
    Post by: TheKingdomCame, Sep 5, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. TheKingdomCame
    okay. I can login to the main part of the site, but when I go to the user portal, it says I need to log in again. so I type in my email and password and it doesn't work. Instead, I get a message something like this: Bad username or password. So I figure, hey, maybe there's a site typo I don't know about and try to login with my username and password instead of my email. same message. when I go back to home, I'm still logged in! does anyone know what the problem is? I really want to upload my videos.:(:nono:
    Thread by: TheKingdomCame, Sep 5, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Technology
  5. TheKingdomCame
    Maybe the Dark Thorn or whatever its called from KH2? I feel like there's a story behind that thing we're not getting.:guns:
    Post by: TheKingdomCame, Sep 1, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX