Final Cut Express! Final Cut Express all the way for me.:rockdover: That program is really fun, and while it may not be as good as Sony Vegas, you can still make some awesome vids with it.
Thank you so much!!
Pretty much ur right, like in Sonic Heroes you choose a character (or team) to play as, and then you play as them until the end. Their stories are similar, and they meet up at a couple of points along the way. You CANNOT, however, switch characters completely off the fly.
okay. I can login to the main part of the site, but when I go to the user portal, it says I need to log in again. so I type in my email and password and it doesn't work. Instead, I get a message something like this: Bad username or password. So I figure, hey, maybe there's a site typo I don't know about and try to login with my username and password instead of my email. same message. when I go back to home, I'm still logged in! does anyone know what the problem is? I really want to upload my videos.:(:nono:
Maybe the Dark Thorn or whatever its called from KH2? I feel like there's a story behind that thing we're not getting.:guns: