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  1. TheKingdomCame


    I am Christian, but I don't go to church. the way I see it, organized religion is way too corruptible, and so I worship Jesus privately. I also believe in the Bible not as a 100% completely true text, but as a metaphorical document. I don't believe in Hell, because it doesn't make sense when you look at the teachings of Jesus. I believe that everyone has a chance to be saved, and the truly wicked aren't tortured for eternity, they just cease to exist. And most importantly, I don't evangelize. I think that evangelism is the most sinful thing a Christian can do, because you're telling someone else how to live their life. In truth, I only want Jesus to tell me how to live.
    Post by: TheKingdomCame, Oct 9, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  2. TheKingdomCame
    quoted for truth. Aside from the KH games, quite possibly the best RPG on the system.
    Post by: TheKingdomCame, Oct 9, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  3. TheKingdomCame
    Great game. I've beat it once, and was working on beating it again, but a lot of other games came out. I've almost completely forgotten about it. I wonder how many hours I spent on that game.
    Post by: TheKingdomCame, Oct 9, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  4. TheKingdomCame
    That's where I got mine from. I tried getting some Photoshop ones, but that didn't really work either. I guess It just boils down to me being to lazy to make my own.,
    Post by: TheKingdomCame, Oct 9, 2008 in forum: Technology
  5. TheKingdomCame
    do you know where I can get GBR brushes?
    Post by: TheKingdomCame, Oct 9, 2008 in forum: Technology
  6. TheKingdomCame
    I own SCII and III. I am getting an Xbox 360 soon, and then I will get IV. They're some of the best fighting games out there, in my opinion.
    Post by: TheKingdomCame, Oct 9, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  7. TheKingdomCame
    I didn't delete them, I know that because I can still open the file that has all the brushes in it (I'm using a Mac). I saved the first one and got it to work, but all the default brushes disappeared. Then I installed the rest and now they're all gone. They started as .abr brushes, but I saw they didn't work, so I changed them to .gbr, and that still isn't working. I think GIMP doesn't know where the brushes are. Actually, I think I may have just solved my own problem. I'll be right back.

    EDIT: Yeah, I just fixed it. thanks anyway!

    EDIT 2: Nevermind, I only have the default brushes. All my custom ones are gone. also, when I click on something, like the brush select button, it hides behind the window.
    Post by: TheKingdomCame, Oct 9, 2008 in forum: Technology
  8. TheKingdomCame
    I downloaded a few extra brushes so I can make a sig, but now I can't use any of my brushes anymore. when I click on the box where you're supposed to be able to change your brush, I just get white. now I can't use my pencil, paintbrush, eraser, or airbrush, and that's just off the top of my head. can someone please help?
    Thread by: TheKingdomCame, Oct 9, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: Technology
  9. TheKingdomCame
    this thread is really helpful. I used it to make a sig just now. ILoveRikuAndYouCantStopMe, have you written a tutorial? If not, you should. You're really good at explaining things.
    Post by: TheKingdomCame, Oct 8, 2008 in forum: Help
  10. TheKingdomCame
    I wouldn't want to just go around dual-weilding all the time, but maybe in boss battles and such. THat would be pretty cool.
    Post by: TheKingdomCame, Oct 8, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  11. TheKingdomCame
    i really hope it doesn't suck. I've been waiting a long time for this game.
    Post by: TheKingdomCame, Oct 8, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  12. TheKingdomCame
    I think this really makes sense. It's like the universe is constantly going through a cycle, like night and day, and Sunset Horizons, like the sun, is making it all happen. What I think BBS needs to explain, though, is how. Sunset Horizons is, sadly, the least impressive world we've seen thus far.

    P.S. Noise, your family misses you.
    Post by: TheKingdomCame, Oct 8, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. TheKingdomCame
    whew! This thread really scared me for a moment. I wonder how they'll work the other Org. members into the single player. maybe each mission will have a different ally, like in the demo? I'd kind of like to make a group and level them up throughout the whole game, though.
    Post by: TheKingdomCame, Oct 8, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  14. TheKingdomCame
    roxas wears lipstick? finally, a videogame character I can relate to! jk jk. it actually might not be lipstick, it might be the DS's graphics that did that, but I dont think so. but all jokes aside, it's a keyblade, which is really confusing. :stupid:
    Post by: TheKingdomCame, Oct 8, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  15. TheKingdomCame
    most likely ven, and least likely aqua. I think that there will be a destati in BBS because BBS should explain that whole thing. The voice, the platforms, the endless abyss that surrounds them, it seems like there's something about destati that we don't know yet. It's just too big to be what we've seen of it so far.
    Post by: TheKingdomCame, Oct 7, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. TheKingdomCame
    I'm using Spore on my Mac, and I thought to save myself some hard drive space and delete the useless extra language files. The game was barely even glitching until I tried to install the update, and it keeps crashing. ive already deleted the language files off every other program on my computer, though... does anyone know where I can download the language files? these are the ones I'm missing: Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Swedish, and there are two other files called 'da.iproj' and 'no.iproj' the i might be an l though. sorry this post is such a mess! If this has been posted before, can a mod please close this thread and point me to the open one? thanks to anyone who posts a reply.

    EDIT: Can a mod please move this thread to the tech support section? I think that it doesn't belong here.
    Thread by: TheKingdomCame, Oct 1, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  17. TheKingdomCame
    That looks awesome! Thank you so much!
    Post by: TheKingdomCame, Sep 28, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  18. TheKingdomCame
    those games are awesome! I've been playing that game from almost the day it came out until Spore released. It really helped me take my mind off the bigger wait, and it was still good enough for me to keep playing hours on end even after Spore came out. I think, but I'm not sure, I think that the original FFTA was the first Final Fantasy game I ever got. and boy was it awesome.
    Post by: TheKingdomCame, Sep 19, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  19. TheKingdomCame
    lmao! the moogles in the Ds games, like the remakes of III and IV are alright though... I think that the Final Fantasy series is moving into a more realistic direction animationwise, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. the moogles, however, have been seriously butchered. I really liked the fusilier in FFTA and FFTA2, though. Not only was he fun to use, he was really cool looking. If they're going to screw the moogles up, at least make them like that. they still arent as good, but they aren't so terrible.
    Post by: TheKingdomCame, Sep 19, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  20. TheKingdomCame
    Until Palin, I have honestly never hear ANYONE say that dinosaurs were around four thousand years ago. (honestly, i dont even know if she said it. ive heard people say she said it, but i don't know) but those new ads about McCain and Palin going to change everything doesnt make sense. about 98% of the time, McCain has sided with Bush on bills and such. Bush has all the big people in the republican party working for him. Cheney, Karl Rove, and I'm sure there are several others. Bush hasn't done a single thing right in the past eight years, and McCain just seems to be promising to continue that trend. Honestly, I don't know why anyone would vote for that, but then again 20-30% of the country STILL believes that Bush was a great president. I just don't get how they can think that, but everyone IS entitled to their own opinion.
    Post by: TheKingdomCame, Sep 19, 2008 in forum: Debate Corner