what the heck? I thought Ven was left-handed. He was in the BBS trailer, wasn't he? I can't wait for this game to come out, Terra in particular looks awesome to play as.
Who do you think will have a fighting style most similar to Sora's? I think Ven's will be the closest, because of the new footage of him fighting. Terra's fighting style makes him look like the tank of the three, and Aqua's fighting style is really confusing to me. what do you guys think?
I'm using Final Cut Express, and I'm wondering if there are any good free plugins for it. The only ones I found are for version 2.0, and I have version 4.0, so I had no luck. If anyone knows where I can get some good effects, please tell me.
phew! I got really confused for a moment. thanks for clearing that up!
this is really creepy. I've never seen this thread before, and I have no idea what's going on here. Rawr, the awesome person who made my sig, is giving someone else my sig, who doesn't have my username, but responds to it. can someone explain this to me?
I've got Gimp 2.4, but it's on a mac, so I don't know if ABRs work. it's kind of strange though, I re-downloaded the brushes that failed before, and now they start out as GBRs, so I got everything to work fine. A mod can close this thread if they want, I've fixed my problem.
it might be a little large, but I'll do it. what do you want it to say?
my only question is, where are all these sigs going? you have four request threads and at least two sigs, and yet, there isnt a single picture in your signature space. this is actually kinda fun, just seeing how many requests you have. I don't know where you disappeared to, but you're sig is ready back over at the most recent request you've made. I don't think it's that good, and I will more than gladly redo it from scratch, you just have to say the word.
jeez. how many sig requests do you have? I've just been scrolling down the list, looking for something to do, and this is at least your third.
Roxas24Sora, why did you make two request threads? btw, the sig you requested is in your other thread, and now it works.
here you go: http://i398.photobucket.com/albums/pp62/SevenMoreDays/giftsig.jpg If you want me to change anything like the color, let me know. Edit: sorry that the link didnt post the first time. I will be happy to redo this sig from scratch, because I think I can do a lot better. If you want me to, I'll start over.
what do you want it to say? I mean, besides your username?
http://i398.photobucket.com/albums/pp62/SevenMoreDays/Ven.png (the crown thing wont be there) http://i398.photobucket.com/albums/pp62/SevenMoreDays/normal_roxas-a-like.jpg
yes. I'm uploading them to photobucket now, and once they're done I'll give you the link.
give me a day or so, and I'll have it done. I have two renders of Ven, should I use both or only one?
yeah. most of my family is REALLY religious, to the point where they try to pin their values on other people. at that point, I just leave. In my opinion, and this is just my opinion, it's kind of stupid to believe that everyone HAS to believe the same way you do, or else they suffer for eternity. I might tell someone why I believe in Jesus, but I'd rather kill myself than spout that 'one way' stuff that most Christians do so easily. It's like people think its a contest, to see how many people you can make believe in your religion, and honestly, it makes me sick.
due in part to the fact there are no Heartless to die to yet.
defenders. There has been no other creature that annoys me as much as those do, in any KH game, or in any game at all, really. They're like superpowered versions of Fat Bandits, which are already annoying. The fact that they almost exclusively use 9 cards doesn't help either.
I think it was the Lexaeus card, the one that can kill an enemy with lots of health left when you do a combo. It made leveling up in Riku's portion of the game (the part I got stuck on for a long time) a lot easier. shame it doesn't work on bosses though...
TheKingdomCame's graphic shop This is the thread where I will take requests and constructive criticism. I'll also post random free sigs here when I feel like it. Please note that this is not an avatar shop, it's just a sig shop. for now. This is the format your requests will need to be in: Render: (link to render) Text for sig: Other Details: Requested brushes(if applicable): (link to brushes) there. I can't fill out everyone's requests, but I will try. If you can see that there are a lot of requests on the thread I haven't answered, please wait a little bit to put up your request. here are my sigs so far: http://i398.photobucket.com/albums/pp62/SevenMoreDays/2ndcompletesig.jpg http://i398.photobucket.com/albums/pp62/SevenMoreDays/signature-compleat.jpg http://i398.photobucket.com/albums/pp62/SevenMoreDays/thirdsignature.jpg I'll post more as I make them.