everyone has a different goal, but in the end no one really achieves it. Some people keep setting higher goals, an unsustainable practice that will ultimately lead to their downfall. Some people are content to just live, and some of them achieve peace in that. But it is in human nature to expand one's horizons as much as physically possible, as can be evidenced by the civilizations of past. They grow and they grow and they grow, and then they collapse. Then there are some who seek to escape this fate by forever carving their initials into the annals of history. in the end, I think the goal is to survive day by day, making what you have count. In the end, it doesn't matter whether people thousands of years from now remember your name, what matters is that you don't forget about who you are.
wow. this is really scary. I don't remember, but when I was little, I'm pretty sure a kid at my school and my great-aunt died within a month or two of each other. From all the posts on this thread, though, it sounds like people die in twos.
This is probably in the wrong place, but I don't know where the right place for it would be. If you're a mod and see a better place for this thread, PLEASE move it! thank you. Anyways, I've been looking all over the internet for a TWEWY font, but can't find any. It doesn't have to be the title font, the 'NOISE ERASED' font would also work fine. Does anyone know where to find one?
I agree with Renegade Angel. They probably get their armor when they become true keyblade masters. Sora's sort of a keyblade master, and if you look closely, KH2 Sora's shoulder pads are metallic, with a shape similar to those of the BBS knights.
I haven't even beat Kurt Zisa yet. I can get him down to his last 2 bars, then he turns into the unavoidable buzz saw of doom, and I threw my controller at the wall. seriously, you have to have perfect reflexes to dodge it, and I've only dodged it four times in about... ten battles. The next one would be KH1 Sephy, just because I only fought him once. Once was enough. KH2 Sephy was EASY! I juggled him half the match. the phantom was hard too, but somehow I beat him. I actually beat him with the timer on me, at about three seconds left. That was the most terrifying thing I have ever experienced in an E rated game.
I've thought it was Aqua for a while now. the only other person that the shadow would fit is Riku, who would be... five years old at the time, so it's not him.
heck yes!!!!! coded, surprisingly, doesn't look as crappy as I thought it would. It actually doesn't look like a cell phone game, in that it's... kind of good looking. How they'll pull that of on a phone though, will be interesting to see.
that actually isn't so crazy. In fact, it's one of the more sensible theories I've seen on the internet recently.
I dont really see the point in this. heck, I have a regular old DS, and I still play the crap out of it. I didn't need a DS Lite, and I really doubt I'll need this.
I don't think anybody but fanboys will be angry to hear this. This is pretty great news, it just makes me wonder if they might release other characters through DLC. that would be pretty cool, I think.
um... is this song from a game? i dont really get why its in this section.
also an awesome game. I wasn't that sure about it when I first bought it, but I ended up playing 5 hours straight every day for at least a week. I completely rediscovered my DS with that game. it's a bit expensive, but a great buy.
really? I liked Joshua most and beat least. Joshua is kind of hard because early on you have to keep switching between air and ground to get good combos. By the time I first beat the game, I could almost instantly kill any creature except the elephant thing with Joshua. I didn't like Beat because he felt really weak to me, and the fact he has the lowest starting bravery in the game doesn't help either. I can see why people don't like Joshua, but I can't imagine playing without him now.
Three words: I can't wait!
If it comes to the 360, I might pick it up. I've heard as many good things as bad about it, so that's why I say might. It looks pretty good, but looks can decieve.
this is kind of obscure, but having Joshua from TWEWY would be awesome. Actually, I take that back, he'd just look weird in 3D. truthfully, they could probably make it work. I'd have to see some art before I make up my mind. If it does work, you could team up to defeat Sho or Megumi.
GIMP ftw. Now that it takes photoshop brushes, there's no downside to it. It completely replaced Photoshop for me.
KH-vids name: TheKingdomCame (or TKC for short) size: medium scene: the part of the battle in the second BBS trailer where Terra attacks MX, who fends him off and freezes his arm, then Ven jumps up and MX grabs him by the head and swings him. If you can do this, you will be forever awesome in my book.
you just blew my mind. you made that in PAINT? whoa. I can't even begin to understand... how in the world? o, nice sig.
Yeah, GIMP s a lot better. I mean, to put it bluntly, I completely fail at art, and even I can make some decent signatures on GIMP. btw I like the second sig much better.