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  1. Lyris1026
    (? You have Fred's OC, don't you? Yea, I realized Jaden has loong first turns with his drawing... xD)
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  2. Lyris1026
    (Good, then BIC, and let's begin! Start us off, Judai aka Haou!)
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  3. Lyris1026
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  4. Lyris1026
    (Yea... Guess we'll wait for now.)
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  5. Lyris1026
    (OoC: Yes, alright. Excuse me, I edited the whole thing out, solved?)[DOUBLEPOST=1404314046][/DOUBLEPOST]
    (Hang on a second,
    is this you?! Because I saw your custom Evil-HEROes.)
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  6. Lyris1026
    (Something wrong with that? Technically, he's participating in the tag duel because of what Konami-kun ( @StardustXtreme ) said. I can fix it, though, with a paradox known as "editing")
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  7. Lyris1026
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  8. Lyris1026
    (OoC: Haou and I agreed to be a team; would've put the ponies on a team, but I have ANOTHER PLOT TWIST...Or not, Jaden's confused about it)
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  9. Lyris1026
    *disregards Misa* (Sorry, don't know what to say, ok?)
    LP: 16000
    Customs: Yes
    Anime Exclusives: Yes
    Manga Exclusives: Yes
    Video Game Exclusives: Tag Force Only
    God Cards: No
    Illegal Cards: No
    First Player: the Supreme King (Haou)
    Number of Cards per Deck: 80
    Number of Cards per Extra Deck: 15 (20 if both Abby and Jaden agree)
    Other conditions: "In this Tag-Team match, each player's field is separate, but teams share each other's Life Points and Graveyards!" Arc V's ruleset (Don't draw at start of 1st turn of game & all players can have a Field Spell at the same time)
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  10. Lyris1026
    *chuckles* "I'll set the terms..." ("As soon as I answer the girls." @Toon-Girl-Abby )
    "Just because of that doesn't mean I can't team up at all, girlie.
    (OoC: It was sort of directed at me, and I was only considering the offer. Well, too late now.)

    "Half-Correct, that one was a mere illusion, who attempted to take you to me the long way. I'm going to crush you, and make you regret ever asking me for information!"
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  11. Lyris1026
    (OoC: I'd explain in PM, but now that you think of it, there might be a point in doing that... I'll wait on Jaden.)

    "And you are?"[DOUBLEPOST=1404302102][/DOUBLEPOST]
    "...I was talking about the seven colored and pink manes, if you two know how to duel together; after all, that colt would've taken you the long way, because I am your opponent."
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  12. Lyris1026
    *watching the events from a cliff, he's facing The Supreme King and is located far behind him* <Huh, so they decided the pink one is coming? Ah, the Supreme King is here... Perfect, I might as well have some fun with him...> *smirk* <Just to see the ponies squirm!>


    *darkness envelops him, which appears to be from Haou; suddenly in sight of the Pony crew, beside him* (Yes, he pretty much teleported by time traveling to the present and landing on a different spot, in which was originally for his mission to change his past defeats [while he was still respectful], although there is no Aster/Edo Phoenix here...)

    "Fine then, we'll personally take you on!"
    "Haou, this will become a tag duel, it'll you and me vs the fillies! They can be partners to each other." (Omit this line if neither of you agree on a 2v2 tag duel or if the duel's on Dueling Network)
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  13. Lyris1026
    Correct. I PM'd you an Example, since it would be completely off topic here.
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 1, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  14. Lyris1026
    Wow, your impatience is just like how mine was, respond to every reply, reminding people of what you need...
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 1, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  15. Lyris1026
    (Actually, I saw your conversation:

    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 1, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  16. Lyris1026
    -a pony walks off into the [woods/mountains/wilderness/etc.], gesturing the group to follow- "Your opponent's this way."

    (OoC: I'll wait for Jaden's response at this point. Once I see -everypony- of the main cast follow this one, I'll start my next reply)
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 1, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  17. Lyris1026
    *a dark chuckle was the only response they got*
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 1, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  18. Lyris1026
    *appearing to be watching the ponies from the darkness*
    <Haou? Are these chatter-fillies referring to him? I don't see why I shouldn't... at least 'help' them out~, if they put up a good fight.>

    *a deep voice reverberates, seemingly directed at the Pony Crew* "I have some more information about this Supreme King, although you're only getting it if you find and beat me in a game of Duel Monsters."
    *walks away from the scene shortly after the ponies' response, enveloped in darkness*
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 1, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  19. Lyris1026
    (? No, why?)
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 1, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  20. Lyris1026
    (OoC: 'Kay, then?)
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 1, 2014 in forum: The Playground