(? You have Fred's OC, don't you? Yea, I realized Jaden has loong first turns with his drawing... xD)
(Good, then BIC, and let's begin! Start us off, Judai aka Haou!)
(Yea... Guess we'll wait for now.)
(OoC: Yes, alright. Excuse me, I edited the whole thing out, solved?)[DOUBLEPOST=1404314046][/DOUBLEPOST] (Hang on a second, is this you?! Because I saw your custom Evil-HEROes.)
(Something wrong with that? Technically, he's participating in the tag duel because of what Konami-kun ( @StardustXtreme ) said. I can fix it, though, with a paradox known as "editing")
(OoC: Haou and I agreed to be a team; would've put the ponies on a team, but I have ANOTHER PLOT TWIST...Or not, Jaden's confused about it)
*disregards Misa* (Sorry, don't know what to say, ok?) Spoiler: Terms of the Tag LP: 16000 Customs: Yes Anime Exclusives: Yes Manga Exclusives: Yes Video Game Exclusives: Tag Force Only God Cards: No Illegal Cards: No First Player: the Supreme King (Haou) Number of Cards per Deck: 80 Number of Cards per Extra Deck: 15 (20 if both Abby and Jaden agree) Other conditions: "In this Tag-Team match, each player's field is separate, but teams share each other's Life Points and Graveyards!" Arc V's ruleset (Don't draw at start of 1st turn of game & all players can have a Field Spell at the same time)
*chuckles* "I'll set the terms..." ("As soon as I answer the girls." @Toon-Girl-Abby ) "Just because of that doesn't mean I can't team up at all, girlie. (OoC: It was sort of directed at me, and I was only considering the offer. Well, too late now.) "Half-Correct, that one was a mere illusion, who attempted to take you to me the long way. I'm going to crush you, and make you regret ever asking me for information!"
(OoC: I'd explain in PM, but now that you think of it, there might be a point in doing that... I'll wait on Jaden.) "And you are?"[DOUBLEPOST=1404302102][/DOUBLEPOST] "...I was talking about the seven colored and pink manes, if you two know how to duel together; after all, that colt would've taken you the long way, because I am your opponent."
Spoiler *watching the events from a cliff, he's facing The Supreme King and is located far behind him* <Huh, so they decided the pink one is coming? Ah, the Supreme King is here... Perfect, I might as well have some fun with him...> *smirk* <Just to see the ponies squirm!> (PLOT TWIST, ACTIVATE) *darkness envelops him, which appears to be from Haou; suddenly in sight of the Pony crew, beside him* (Yes, he pretty much teleported by time traveling to the present and landing on a different spot, in which was originally for his mission to change his past defeats [while he was still respectful], although there is no Aster/Edo Phoenix here...) "Fine then, we'll personally take you on!" "Haou, this will become a tag duel, it'll you and me vs the fillies! They can be partners to each other." (Omit this line if neither of you agree on a 2v2 tag duel or if the duel's on Dueling Network)
Correct. I PM'd you an Example, since it would be completely off topic here.
Wow, your impatience is just like how mine was, respond to every reply, reminding people of what you need...
(Actually, I saw your conversation: :P)
-a pony walks off into the [woods/mountains/wilderness/etc.], gesturing the group to follow- "Your opponent's this way." (OoC: I'll wait for Jaden's response at this point. Once I see -everypony- of the main cast follow this one, I'll start my next reply)
*a dark chuckle was the only response they got*
*appearing to be watching the ponies from the darkness* <Haou? Are these chatter-fillies referring to him? I don't see why I shouldn't... at least 'help' them out~, if they put up a good fight.> *a deep voice reverberates, seemingly directed at the Pony Crew* "I have some more information about this Supreme King, although you're only getting it if you find and beat me in a game of Duel Monsters." *walks away from the scene shortly after the ponies' response, enveloped in darkness*
(? No, why?)
(OoC: 'Kay, then?)