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  1. Lyris1026
    (it's not annoying me, don't worry :) )
    "No, may you continue."
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 29, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  2. Lyris1026
    "You may continue your song."
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 29, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  3. Lyris1026
    (OoC: No prob :) )
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 28, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  4. Lyris1026
    (I'm here, don't worry. LOL you got that one good! No prob! :D)
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 28, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  5. Lyris1026
    1. Half-right, the Player who goes first can't draw or attack on their very first turn.
    2. Correct.
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 28, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  6. Lyris1026
    (Um, maybe I was a bit busy with the customs on YGOPRO? Also thinking up cards for Fujiwara's deck, but fine, I'll come up with them as I go. I should've mentioned that one person shares LP. I'm also taking back use of customs as well as disabling the Pendulum Zones because they won't be of use. Here's a Recap of Terms, just to be sure
    • 8000

      • Anime
      • Tag Force Video Game
    • Me
    • 45
    • 12

      • The whole "Battle Royale" thing; the Cures share LP
      • Highlander Extra Deck [all Fusion/Synchro/Xyz @1] {Optional; if you don't want to apply this, and Extra Deck count will become 9}
      • No Pendulum Zones
      • Clear World new LIGHT Negative Effect: Monsters cannot be Set or flipped face-down. If a Monster would be Set, it must be Normal Summoned in face-up Defense Position.

    "Then we'll begin with this!"
    (replace Judai and Johan's eyes with splitscreens of an eye from each Cure currently in game)

    *Fujiwara LP: 8000*
    *Pretty Cure LP: 8000*

    -Draw Phase-
    *Hand: 5* [New ruleset has taken effect, so yea]

    -Standby Phase

    -Main Phase-
    "I normal summon Clear Phantom in attack mode!"

    "I'll then end my turn with 3 cards facedown!"
    (Using imgur because images on Original Post are broken; I don't think it makes a difference to edit them into previous posts)

    -End Phase-
    *Hand: 1*
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 27, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  7. Lyris1026
    (OoC: That's what I wanted to test with this duel, 'cuz Clear needed more support, but ok?... Alright, I won't use customs at all :/ can't think them all up in time)
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 27, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  8. Lyris1026
    (OoC: I'll await comments on these cards before we begin:
    I won't use cards marked "(WIP)" in the "Notes" column. Everything will be raw because there aren't many reliable, online generators for Pendulum cards...)
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 27, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  9. Lyris1026
    (OoC: No prob; kinda changed the terms around, but alright. If you wanna know the difference, I'll just combine them for you: CG=Printed
    • 8000

      • Anime
      • Tag Force Video Game
      • Customs
    • Me
    • 45
    • 12

      • The whole "Battle Royale" thing
      • Highlander Extra Deck [all Fusion/Synchro/Xyz @1] {Optional; choose not to, and Extra Deck count will become 9}
      • Clear World new LIGHT Negative Effect: Monsters cannot be Set or flipped face-down. If a Monster would be Set, it must be Normal Summoned in face-up Defense Position.

    Is this possible by Staff? Also, fair warning that I tend to forget whether I can attack or not. That's all, simply giving you a quick reminder of the Duel's rules before I start.)
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 27, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  10. Lyris1026
    "Oh~? How interesting. It's up to you Cures to decide who will start from your end."
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 26, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  11. Lyris1026
    (OoC: Ninja'd)
    (Would've had these terms had I posted earlier than you, Fred:
    "Is that so? Well, how did you all feel when you lost your only leader for your next challenge?" *smirk*
    LP: 8000
    Customs: Yes
    Anime Exclusives: Yes
    Manga Exclusives: No
    Video Game Exclusives: Tag Force Only
    God Cards: No
    Illegal Cards: No
    First Player: Me
    Number of Cards per Deck: 45
    Number of Cards per Extra Deck: 12
    Other: Extra Deck-native cards [Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz] are Limited unless it's reliant on a card of its own name.
    "For this duel only, my Clear World's Negative Effect for the LIGHT Attribute will become Light of Intervention's for balance purposes in this dimension." [if possible @admins; what I mean by 'this dimension' is the arena.]

    Clear World itself would've remained Limited either way.)
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 26, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  12. Lyris1026
    *evil laugh in background*
    "That's it for the Cures, I guess~."

    (OoC: I tend to jump to conclusions, like how I might be now.)
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 26, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  13. Lyris1026
    (In other words, Abby's hand is at 1. That's why you pause while you're activating your cards.)

    <This Lucciano man looks like more of a challenge than I thought~!>
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 26, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  14. Lyris1026
    (Or, as I said, change the LIGHT effect of the card on the anime effect. Probz not possible, tho. Also, here's my custom database, WIP: tab is named "Fujiwara")
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 26, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  15. Lyris1026
    (HALT! I just realized something... Clear World seems to be banned-- Limited works too; no wonder no one RP'd as Fujiwara... Welp, my bad for interfering, might as well edit the LIGHT effect of it. In the meantime, continue.)
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 25, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  16. Lyris1026
    (Yes, okay.)
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 25, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  17. Lyris1026
    (This is why I wanted a battle Royale, but I don't mind them teaming up, either. Again, the cures cannot look at each other's hands.)
    (Good, now pick their order! I'll go in between, of course)
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 25, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  18. Lyris1026
    (Yea, even though this is technically just 2 people, one of which is running many decks.)
    (Okay, I was impatient and lonely there.)
    "Let me simplify this duel style, everyone is your opponent."
    "However, I think I'll make it easier on all of you and force this duel to an end after I'm dead. I'll also allow teamwork, but don't try eavesdropping on others' hands, because I took measures to make sure that it doesn't happen!"
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 25, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  19. Lyris1026
    (Was I blocked or something, just me, and/or did I do something wrong? Not sure if I'll ever get a comment again... *sigh*)
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 24, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  20. Lyris1026
    (*even OoCly ignored*)
    (OoC: I actually agree with this, because I don't like counter traps either; in fact, when it comes to them, I get overconfident and forget about them! That set off my temper countless times!)
    Post by: Lyris1026, Jul 24, 2014 in forum: The Playground