Might want to point out that, since Sora is also half of Roxas (even though it usually isn't said that way), the same would apply for Roxas. ;)
Twilight. Definitely. I don't like this idea of black and white. It's a fact of life that there's always shades of grey. As a matter of fact, you'd be very hard put to find anything completely black or completely white. But what is this mentality that "Light always wins" and "Darkness is evil"? Riku himself says it. Xemnas asks why they choose to live in the light, when they accept the darkness. Riku says "It's because of what's lurking in it." So darkness isn't necessarily evil. White can be evil too. "Fair is foul and foul is fair." Or something like that. But I'd also like to point out that "evil" often has the upper hand. ;) Darkness has no problem committing certain acts or using certain powers to attain what they want. Even though, between good and evil, neither one is stronger, good is put at a disadvantage because it is unwilling to do certain things.
I'd say it would be pretty close. People keep on saying Demyx would win because water puts out fire, but overestimate the power of H20. Haven't you watched firefighters trying to put out a fire? That **** is hard to put it out. We're not talkin' a tiny little flame on the end of a match. In most likelihood, fire would turn the water into steam, while being cancelled out at the same time. As for a sitar not being a very dangerous weapon... You should see the scars on Sora's behind from all the times I got that reaction command wrong. >_< I got beaten by Demyx like ten times. And not just by the water clones. (That only accounted for 3 out of ten deaths.) Also, you have to take into consideration that Demyx and Axel, being in the same organization, are aware of each others capabilities. So they probably won't underestimate each other like many Organization members did for Sora. (That's probably why they died off so easily. :o)
I didn't really feel all that sad when he stabbed himself. I didn't realize keyblades could do actual physical damage. Have you noticed that whenever something's "slashed" by the keyblade, there doesn't seem to be any wound? Not even a light streaky thing to indicate where it hit? Not only with Heartless, but with people too. (i.e. Roxas, confrontation in TWTNW) I did start crying a bit when Kairi wakes up and tries to catch him. That was a tear-jerker. Edit: I didn't realize, the person about said the same thing. Heh. :P But I was releaved when I heard his voice in KH2. I was like, "Thank God, he's finally hit puberty!" lol
Sora isn't necessarily a jerk... But I still think he needs to see a therapist. I mean, there's this kid living on this peaceful island, and suddenly he's thrust out into the unknown, and he has no trouble killing things! Seeing as he hasn't been exposed to that kind of thing before, the ease with which he accepts killing is rather disturbing. The Heartless, maybe I can understand. But he kills actual people. (Example: Maleficent.) He shows no remorse whatsoever. This is especially seen with members of Organization XIII. Seconds after Xemnas fades away the first time, they're practically going "Yay, let's have a party!" And for those of you saying Tidus, Wakka, and others are only minor characters... That would be no excuse for Sora! Hello, do you know what a story is? You don't see Sora going around saying, "Well this is only a video game." In real life, do you see people as "minor characters"? Because if you do, you need help. I might want also to point out that everyone forgot about Sora at the beginning of KH2, with the exception of Riku, DiZ, and the Organization. Kairi doesn't really count. She says she doesn't even remember is face, voice, or name. The fact that she remembers his existence might have to do with the fact that they were crushing on each other.
*rolls eyes* Just because a book has a dragon in it, doesn't make it good.... I guess that's the kind of reasoning Paolini went on when deciding what to write about.
But... Which person in the secret ending would be Xehanort? .. That post-apocyliptic (sp?) kind of surrounding really creeped me out. To think that might be Disney Castle... *shudders* Such thoughts always send me spiraling into depression.
I was thinking somewhere along those lines.... Think about it this way. "He's half of you." "You're half of him." Which one sounds better? Definitely the first. Imagine being told that all you are is a part of someone else. Roxas probably figures, "Why is Sora the more important half?" Or something like that.
Myself, I never understood how feeding Kingdom Hearts (makes it sound like some kind of man-eating plant 0_o) would help them. Was their reasoning along these lines: Nobodies=> created when heart leaves body=> original heart inside a Heartless=> find Heartless with your heart=> put it back in The more Heartless killed, the more chance that one of those hearts are theirs? Something like that? Also I didn't really notice Organization XIII doing anything particularly bad... except for Luxord and Xaldin.
That was me. ^_^ But you have to take into consideration that Roxas doesn't REMEMBER being Sora. Kinda like Xemnas. So there goes that theory about him acting through a memory of anger. And as I said before, Vexen displays what would probably be called emotion. And Axel as well. I mean he sacrificed himself so that Sora could get to The World That Never Was. Even if the Nobodies have only fake emotions, there's still something there. I mean, where does the desire to regain their hearts come from? And several of the Organization members were supposed to enjoy hurting others. Don't you need some form of emotion to be a sadist? I feel sorry for all of them. Imagine wanting to feel something, but you can't. It must be frustrating. (Wait a minute, isn't frustration an emotion?... Heh. ^_^')
It would be pretty cool if you got to switch between Sora and Roxas. And I would love to be able to play as Riku. *squishles* For some reason, I've never really felt that playing as Donald or Goofy would be something desireable. Maybe as Mickey. But not them. -_-
I'd say Roxas. His stance when he holds his keyblades makes him look like he actually knows what he's doing. And to me, it seems like he's more driven. Also, he seems to be a lot more mature and less naive than Sora.
Haven't beaten him yet. :( I challenged him several times in KH1, getting beaten every time. I only once got far enough for him to use Descend Heartless Angel on me, and that pretty much killed me. But it was all worth it to hear the music. =3 But man, Sephiroth is so much faster in KH2! I got my *** beaten black and blue every time. >_> By the way, what exactly is Negative Combo? (Talking about Fenrir keyblade's ability.)
It kind of puts into question the whole thing about Nobodies having no hearts. True, they were created when someone's heart was stolen by Heartless, but maybe we're thinking about this too literally. Even if they have no physical hearts, an echo seems to remain. It can't be that Roxas is just an anomaly. Axel, too, has what would seem to be emotions. And Vexen too, if you've watched the any cutscenes including him from Re:CoM.
Save your pity. If there's anyone to feel sorry for, it's definitely Riku and Roxas. Riku has to deal with the fact that he betrayed his friends and nearly brought about their demise. And he has Xehanort's Heartless (or at least whatever remains of him) to deal with. And Roxas... well, it's a no-duh there. Imagine existing only as a part someone else.
Favorite keyblade bearer: Most definitely Riku. :D I love the way he holds it. Not like Sora... What kind of idiot holds a sword like that? -_- But I just love Riku in general. :) Favorite keyblade: From KH2, either Way To Dawn or Bond of Flames. After those two, Star Seeker and Sleeping Lion are pretty cool. From KH1, Oathkeeper and Lady Luck tied for first, followed by the Pumpking in second.
Personally, I felt that the very last battles with the ship were kind of pointless. What does the ship do anyhow? Certainly not used as a mode of transportation to Kingdom Hearts, seeing as you're already there when you beat Xehanort's Heartless. There should have been more fighting with him. (I loved how his sword was a stronger version of Riku's Soul Eater. Anyone else notice that?) As for the second game, I didn't like the part with fighting him in the armor (my sister said he looked like a chicken lol). I couldn't figure out how to get the reaction command with the skyscrapers. And the time spent as Riku is WAY TOO SHORT. :P Other than that, it was pretty fun. Especially in the beginning when Sora just chops through all those buildings. I didn't know the keyblade could do that!
LMAO! XDD As for me: Xigbar dancing and singing to Cotten-Eyed Joe Xaldin break dancing with his lances Axel burning stuff singing Disco Infreno Demyx playing his Sitar singing the Sitar Song Luxord pretening he's Yugi throwing cards at everyone he sees Marluxia dancing in a garden of flowers with his sythe in a pink dress Roxas fighting Riku through the entire Deep Dive fight (including the heartless)
It was hard, deciding between Demyx and Axel. Demyx is so cute! I want to squishle him like a teddy bear. You can't tell me those two didn't have hearts. =3 But I did feel kind of sorry for Xemnas at the end. Sora was like "There's more to a heart than just anger and hate... Don't you remember?" And Xemnas said "Unfortunately, I don't." That's really sad. I started worrying at Sora's mental state after that cutscene. He asked Xemnas such a serious question, and right after he fades away, he was practically bursting with joy. Who does that right after they've killed someone?
I can understand where you're coming from. Kairi really got on my nerves for a while. But for some reason, my opinion of her got a lot kinder after she finally wakes up (KH1) and attempts to catch Sora as he's falling. (Does that count as a kind of spoiler? Meh.) In the beginning, she seemed just like a complete and useless moron. But the worst thing they could do is not putting Sora and Riku in KH3 (or whatever it's going to be called). It would leave a huge hole from the last game. Remember the end? The message from Mickey? Open endings are one thing, but just leaving it at that would be stupid.