Maybe it was an oversight by someone. Besides, I read somewhere that the Kingdom Key he uses in Twilight Town is fake. This is supported by the fact that he first gets the keyblade in TT, it appears circled by numbers and stuff, rather than light. (I know later it's different, but still.)
That was Riku's keyblade. I don't think that counts.
Akuroku: I think it's cute, as long as it's not too overdone and overtly sexual. (Seeing as their relationship, either way you look at it, is rather tragic.) SoraxRiku: Sorry, just don't see that happening.:o Can't picture those two as a couple. SoraxRoxas: Now this is where I draw the line. -_- I mean seriously, I've heard of narcissism, but who actually has the hots for themselves? NaminexKairi: Same thing as SoraxRoxas. Don't really see them interact with each other as much, so I draw up a blank more than any emotion when I see this. I'm not a big yaoi fan myself (hard to get past certain things you parents teach you ), but I don't mind it. As long as it's not completely out of the blue and done for the hell of it, it's all right. As a matter of fact, I don't like it when that's done for hetero pairings either. But I have to say, I have seen some really nice yaoi. And to person above: Yaoi=boys Yuri=girls
I think that chat between Axel and Roxas occurred just before Sora met Hayner, Pence, and Olette. They are mentioned... something like "I'd like to see them again". And I think that was the last time Axel talked to Roxas. Then he was kind of fully assimilated into Sora. Or something like that. :P And also, as for the confrontation between Sora and Roxas, remember that Donald and Goofy couldn't see him? And since TWTNW seems to be some kind of in-between world, such a confrontation would probably be possible. In the KH2FM videos, Xemnas says that Sora meeting Axel might have awakened Roxas.
That really wouldn't make sense. >_> Roxas would refer to the keyblade as an it. Not he. As for that, I really have no idea. I was rather confused about it myself.
Wow, that's pretty cool! ^_^ *absolutely has to get FM+* That's a pretty long name for a keyblade.
Personally, I really don't think Roxas was actually trying to kill Sora. >_> But if he were, Sora would have been last Thanksgiving's dinner. ^_^
Finally! I have found a kindred spirit! *hugs* Umm.. *cough* Don't mind me.. :D I'm glad that someone else noticed. Isn't it obvious he uses a thesaurus way too much? (Thews. One word I could have gone through life not knowing. -_-)
Most definitely a blockhead. :) Sometimes it's endearing, but it really got on my nerves in the second one. The funny thing is, he sometimes says things that are accidentally smart. Did that make since?... I think I got the wording wrong.... Meh, whatever you get what I mean.
In many cases, I have to agree with you. I blame the script. :p After all, there is nothing cheesy about The Nightmare Before Christmas, but they manage to make it slightly so. :( *sighs* It's the fact that all the characters stay in their own worlds. Maleficent and Pete are two exceptions. It would make the Disney element seem more integral if only more characters wound up in different worlds.
That's a nice thought, but I seriously doubt Riku actually became a Heartless, and, as Kairi's case taught us, one does not need to become a Heartless to obtain a Nobody. With Riku, him having a Nobody wouldn't be definite, but it's possible. His heart did leave his body when Xehanort's Heartless took over. When that Heartless disappeared, we're told Riku's body met him on the other side of Kingdom Hearts in the Realm of Darkness. But we don't know what happened during that transition. So maybe he does have a Nobody. Also, the new translated cutscenes from KH2FM prove that the Keyblade War happened in the past. (Zexion and other Organization member were talking about it.)
You know you're a girl when you like reading Fruits Basket. I know, not all girls like it, but I don't know a single guy who reads it. :D And I'm an egomaniac.... and I think death is awesome. :p
Between Donald and Goofy, it was a tough call. The reason I don't like them is not so much their characters... more with what was lacking. They seemed like the generic sidekick-type people. Their personalities aren't adequately worked on. When not put together with Sora, there's very little you can say about them. There were a few moments when there was a sad attempt at giving them personalities, but most of the time it came out of nowhere. (For example, the whole thing with Donald and treasure. Where did that come from?) The difference between them and people how barely got any screen time (like Demyx), is that you still get a good taste of their nature. (You could practically hear Demyx's personality screaming in the background. ) Even with the other original Disney characters, you feel like you know them more - Mickey, Minnie, even Daisy. Anyone else noticed that KH is beginning to get off the Disney theme? :( While I was playing, the Disney worlds seemed more irrelevant and pointless. I wish it weren't, but that's how I felt. In that way, the KH1 is better than KH2.
*shakes head* Are fifteen-year-olds thought to be such aweful writers? I find it strange how teens are always complaining about adults treating them like mindless children, yet they often do the same exact thing within their own age genre. Also, I'd like to correct you. I'm sorry, but I've heard that so many times, I'm sick. The kid started writing it at 15. He finished when he was 18. And he was homeschooled, so he had plenty of time.
Human. Even though the element/teleportation powers are tempting. :p I kind of know what it's like not having emotions. Not saying I don't have any! lol It's just that my emotions are very muted, and I have trouble getting myself to care about anything. It's very frustrating. And not having emotions.... Makes existing kind of pointless, doesn't it? Lots of things we do are driven by emotion. As someone said before, that's why Organization XIII want to get their hearts back. Theirs is a cursed, purgatorial kind of existence.
Any and all opinions welcome. What you like about the trilogy, any nitpicks you have with it, or anything else. No flaming. Respect others' opinions. Just because someone disses something you like, doesn't give you the right to insult them/their mothers/etc. And please, please, PLEASE.... Type out your words. Chatspeak is all right, but there's a point that it becomes a foreign language. Anyway, discuss to your heart's content. :D
Well, all of them seem to be wearing at least pants. There are several cutscenes in the game where you can see them. But I have to say, I'm pretty sure they ain't wearin' any shirts. :D
I'm sorry, just can't let this go. Sora is only half of Roxas. After Sora wakes up in the pod, Roxas has become part of him. So you can't really judge. :p
What always annoyed me? Wherever they went, Sora would introduce all of them in the exact same order every time. (Exception was that once Goofy did the introducing.) *cutscene comes to mind* Do you remember that cutscene where Meg was thanking them. She repeated all their names (again, in the same order) like some kind of moron. I don't know if anyone else noticed that. But as for the rest of the dialogue, it wasn't THAT bad. The game had it's "That was so deep ****" moments. (Let's all forget about Atlantica. That world needs a thorough invasion of Heartless and REAL villains.) You know, I kind of wanted to be able to go into virtual Twilight Town with Sora, to see how alternate Hayner, Pence, and Olette would react. But then again, Sora would probably mess up the awkwardness with that script of his. >_<
Heh, don't worry about it. ^_^ I also have it slightly memorized, although not intentionally.