Auron again!! And Sephiroth and Cloud! Beside FF, I really, really, REALLY want some flash backs of Ansem and his six apprentices!! And I want the Disney characters, absolutely!!
IMO: Xemnas: 40 Xigbar: 43 Xaldin: 39 Vexen: I think his age is a mistery, for me he looks older than he actually is.....maybe 45, but I can't say... Lexaeus: 39 zexion: 17 Saix: 30 Axel: 25 Demyx: phisically 20, mentally 4, maximum 5 XD Luxord: 35 Marluxia: 27 Larxene: 25, I think she and Axel are the same age Roxas: obviously 15
Larxene forever. She fights, she's self confident,she has a good sense of humor and she's not a stupid girl always crying and waiting for her friends to save her like Kairi. And I totally HATE Naminè. At the beginning I didn't hate her, but now she's my least favourite character.......the funny thing is, that I don't know why. But I find her really annoyng, I can't explain why, but this is a fact.
He's not my fav (my favs are always extremely minor, weird and unluicky characters xd) but I don't hate him... I hated him only when he didn' cry at Axel's death. He cries (through Sora) when he leaves Hayner, Pence and Olette, and he doesn't cry for Axel!!!!
I have the same prblem. Also, the link of the Re:CoM Riku Introduction Subbed leads to the Unsubbed one.
No, you're not the only one, I would save him, too, because he's my fav. (we vexen's fans are so few!!) Anyway, I would save them ALL!! And agree with people who say that Larxene is the best female character in the KH series!!
I think that Axel had all the reasons to hide killing Vexen, because Vexen wasn't a traitor, he was working with Zexion and Lexaeus to stop Marluxia's plan.....Zexion was the only one who knew that Axel killed Vexen, the only witness that could report tha facts to the Axel had to kill him (poor Zexion!!) And then maybe he came back to World That Never Was and said that the other Org members in Castle Oblivion were all traitor allied with Marluxia.... Always IMHO, obviously....
I like this anime very much. It has an amazing soundtrack, very very good!!
In the PS2 version does exist the Roxas card??? How can you obtain it? In the GBA version (the only one I played) my favourite card was Vexen's, because it is Auto Life, I think one of the few useful enemy cards of the whole game (I didn't use them very much)
Wisdom, because.....well, because it's blue XD And I LOVE blue.
and that's the best of him XD
I totally agree with you. They were both weak and wounded after the battles against sora and Riku, then Axel came's all so cruel, sad and unfair. Axel is a fantastic character, but here he shows his worst self.....some people say Vexen his a cowars because he pleads for mercy (well, who wouldn't do that in his place??), but killing, assassinating people like that for me is much more coward than pleading!! Axel's death is really sad, too. These are the only threee deaths that are "different"....the other members are all quickly destroyed by sora, they're all the same thing.
Uhm, I was thinking that maybe I should have voted Xaldin instead of Lexaeus.......he appears so little in the cutscenes and in my opinion he is one of the worst developed characters....he does nothing special, he's completely useless! (but I like him, too, I like the entire Organization!!)
Don't worry, you are not the only one! (we'll be two to be shotXD) In fact my list is: 1) Vexen, and don't ask me why because I don't know!! But I like him so much.....I know a lot of peolple hate him because he has not a super cool weapon like the others, he's not a warrior and because maybe he's not good at fighting (but in the original CoM I must say that I found his boss battle pretty difficult, and in the new version his new attack with the ice blade is simply cool!!) and he's not young....but in my opionion these are the best things of him....he's different from the others, and I think this is the reason why his fellow members don't unserstand him (no one can understand a genius!! XD), laugh at him and consider him weird, and so he can't stand them....but he's a scientist, he has different skills from the others, and he helps the Organization with his science and his intelligence. And I love his shield, its blue is so beautiful XD And if you say that fighting with only a shield is stupid I shall remind you that Goofy, one of the main characters, has only a shield, too!! And fighting with a shield is much more logic than fighting with a sytar XD And Vexen is loyal to the Organization and his death is one of the saddest (axel is a *******). Ok, ok, I' stop rambling or you'll kill me XD The fact is all the world hates Vexen and I can't stay here and watch without defending him! XD (I'm a good fangirl) 2) Zexion, he's cute, he's intelligent and he looks like a child. His death is very very sad, too, and I still can't undertand the reason why Axel killed him, he was so cruel! 3) Larxene, she's the only female and the best female character of the whole KH series (I can't stand either Kairi or Namine!!) 4) Axel, but much more in KH2 than in CoM. I like the story of his friendship with Roxas. Then come all the others, I don' know the order because after all I love all the Organizatin, they are fantastic characters!
Now the links for Reverse/rebirth work....I don't know, but maybe they were only temporary problems....
The links for basement 6, 5 and 3 don't work..... anyway thanks a lot for uploading!
Woah, so I'm not the only non-demyx-fan!! Why is he so loved?!?!?!?!
I'm not a fan of yaoi but I enjoyed creating they are: Xemnas + Saix (the leader and his most loyal follower) Xigbar + Xaldin (no particular reason, maybe because they are number 2 and 3, right and left arm of Xemnas XD) Vexen + Zexion (because they are my favourites so they must be together) Axel + Roxas (this is obvious) Marluxia + Larxene (they plot together to overthrow the Organization and rule it as king and queen XD) Luxord + Lexaeus (the "useless" ones) And Demyx alone because he's the only one left.
Vexen is not creepy!! I like him!! And he's not evil....well, I mean, he is, but I think in CoM everyone seems much more evil than him....Larxene is cruel, Marluxia a traitor, Axel is a real *******, killing Vexen and zexion like that (they were wounded and weak!!) Anyway, I love all of them, because I love the Organization:D I voted Lexaeus not because I hate him, but because now he's the one I like less.........but maybe I should have voted Demyx....I can't understand why all fans love him, why is he so special? He appears only in very few scenes, he's a bit stupid in my opinion and yes, he's good-looking, but he seems to me one of that idiot idols from a teenage boy band....not very charming in mty opinion, but everyone seems so obsessed with him! (but I can't hate him....he's nice and his death is so sad)
I don't think Lexaeus and Vexen are old....if a person is over 30 it doesn't mean he/she is old! I'm wondering why Lexaeus says Zexion's name before dying...