Ecstacy. The answer to everything.
And that really hurts :C
Deep Dive. Without doubt. Emotional, and classic.
That may be true. But I still find it hard to understand that u associate Alice In Chains more with punk than metal. Because at least in my personal opinion Alice In Chains makes me wanna headbang more than yell political phrases and go wild in the moshpit. The describition u give me of grunge makes me think more like Nirvana wich is in my opinion not "true" grunge. But then again Alice In Chains may be a grunge-band that dares to experiment more with the genre, idunno. But yeah, I dont wanna argue about genres. I just thought Alice In Chains would be a good suggestion, and appearantly you thought not. Its just a matter of personal opinions.
Lol. For your information Alice In Chains started out as a metal band. An I agree Grunge isn't metal. But its similiar. And if ure gonna be that direct about metal lots of the metalcore bands listed shouldnt be categorized as metal either. In other words: My suggestion is just as valuable as other bands suggested.
Alice In Chains
Emperor - The Eruption Pure norwegian black-metal :) More melodic than most black metal, but still pretty dark.
OMG! This totally made me smile :D Cuz Kaizers Orchestra is from Norway and im not used to people outside of Norway knowing about norwegian music (if u dont count aleksander rybak and other mainstream stuff). My favourite song of Kaizers Orchestra is: Kontroll på kontinentet (Control on the continent) - Its a song that reminds me a little of the circus. The melody reminds me of scary clowns comming to get me. (even though the song isnt about any circus-related things at all) Død Manns Tango (Dead mans tango) - A slow and very beautiful song. I find it amazing how they manage to make their music style fit in a ballad. Tokyo Ice til Clementine (Tokyo Ice to Clementine) - Well, its my personal "feel-good" song. Very catchy and always makes me in a good mood. ^^
If u want it and want it cheap u may order now since the american dollar isnt worth much right now. Im ordering COM tomorow and for the game and shipping it will cost me 45 dollar wich i at first thought sounded like lots of cash, but then after doing some math i found out its the same as 256 NOK. And 256 NOK is the same as 27,31 British Pounds, or 30,29 Euro. At least I dont think that sounds very expensive :)
Today I was walking down the street downtown in Trondheim with some friends, and then suddenly I see theese lights hanging in the tree's. And I thought to myself "That is beautiful", so since I happened to be carrying on my camera I took a picture of it :). Christmas preparations is a bit early in my personal opinion, but I still think that the look of those lights were beautiful.
Today I went to a concert with a local band from Trondheim, Norway called Pelbo. And I decided to take some live-photos of them, and I must say Im pleased with the results. Sorry about the large files :C For those interested you may check out their music at Its perfect for those seeking new alternative music. "Zoom In" is a personal favourite of mine :)
Tomrom :) Its norwegian for "empty space". check out our myspace if u like :) Even though our name is norwegian, our lyrics are english btw ;P
December 20 1991 A Missouri court sentences the Palestinian militant Zein Isa and his wife Maria to death for the honor killing of their daughter Palestina. 1991 Paul Keating becomes the 24th Prime Minister of Australia.
no thanks i had one for lunch Do u prefer Pikachu or Charmander?
I loved both of those stories. Have to admit i preferred Demyx' story better though. But they all seem very realistic to me. Like that there might be the actual story. (I havent played 358/2 days yet since I live in Norway and the release date for Europe isnt before this friday. So your story might collide with that story, I dont know yet :P) But the matter of the fact is that I liked your stories. And seriously the part about Demyx not having any confidence touched me. Great story. Keep writing. I personally would love it if you eventually made a fan-fiction about Zexion too :D
im studying media and communication :) I want to be a sound-technician, you know, a guy working in the studio helping bands and stuff.
thanks alot. :D and your right about the symbolic of the little flower :) But i just want to make it clear that im not the model, thats a friend of mine. Im the photographer behind the camera ^^ But I'll tell him that other people besides me thought he was a good model :D Thanks again for the nice comment :D
This is a photo i took of my friend for a school-project i had. The theme for the photo is "love".
Forum's are always like that :) You cant get along with everyone :)
Hmm.. Top 3 must be: 1. Seigmen 2. Alice In Chains 3. Deftones