yea but the problem is...shrek is dreamworks is it not?
lolz. sora in a super hero costume... its pretty hard to imagine.. or would he be in his normal atire?
soras hair looked wierd...they should have kept the cutscenes the same...and in the beta
phear me for i am a moogle... so bring me 30 or each random items so you can finish your journal...Mwahahahahahahaha and so i can start randomly selling 2/3 of them...i didnt get this.
should pixar be in KH? (i know theyu would need a grant or something) but still...a toy sora in Toy story lolz
dont the real ansem reports explain that?
ummm....let me put this if youve played DoC, you would probaly be as good as cait sith...a useless guy that does no damage.... yea..(mass amounts of periods)
HAHAHA still laughing a little.. very nice video last part was great
hmmm why cant there be more people like me who dont care if its an x-box or a ps... tho the old x-boxs do suck... nice vid
Which came first? Dirge of Cerberus or Advent Children (event wise)? Cause If you look at the sign on in AC right before the highway scene it says: DO NOT ENTER: Authorized WRO Parsonal members only. Extremely dangerous. this means that the WRO was made, but was Vincent in it?
hmmm i think normal was too ez...exept for trying to get ultima... i spent like...5 hours saving up money for it... i got i think 50 deaths in that one level just to convert it all the exp into money... then even with max amount of ammo i always ran out...lame. nice cheats thnx
protect chain i htink it was... neways list all the summons and how you get them
wow nice windows movie maker right? im trying to find the CD for the good version...(the one where it shows the beats) or a better one that lets you "combine" clips like the one suberunker used in this one: he makes alot...koops good 2
Nice very nice, i like the way you use the driving, if thats what you call it....i ended up geting 'king for a day' stuck in my head lolz:D And can you post a DL link for king?
...i suck on the does doing the song on controller count?