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  1. saithus
    dang...when i saw a comercial of this i was pretty mad...why was it remade for the DS? i want to play it, but i dont want DS...nooooooooooo
    Post by: saithus, Nov 27, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  2. saithus
    if the people that told you yes, saw the video, then they're wrong because that was just a tech demo. itd be so awesome if they did though...
    Post by: saithus, Nov 27, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  3. saithus
    Post by: saithus, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. saithus
    your welcome
    im glad i helped:)
    Post by: saithus, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  5. saithus
    you jump down and climp up to th eplatform. (if this is after to beat the 2 gaurds by walking behind one...) and then jump behind the barrel on its side at the bottom. after that, you just push it, and go to the next barrel and push it. then you just go behind the boxes behind the guy you just killed, and you should be able to jump above the boxes and go around the robots and get through...thats how i remember it.
    Post by: saithus, Nov 23, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  6. saithus
    the game lookedvery good.
    but i cant get it. i see the second one for ps2, but is the first one ps1 or ps 2?
    Post by: saithus, Nov 19, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  7. saithus

    Im new

    lolz well welcome
    as apposed to everyone else
    i am NOT popular lolz
    asme thing everyone else said
    double posting, spamming, etc
    read the rules
    Post by: saithus, Nov 16, 2006 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  8. saithus
    my only suggestion is: stay near the tower when ever you can and try to find a good spot to stay safe. then find snipers from there and hit them with all youve got. and stock up on potions. this was in my opinion the hardest part in the game with the exeptsion of going throught he very last level, bosses excluded, with out any ammo. i could only use death penalty on bosses for fear of loss of ammo...guh.
    Post by: saithus, Nov 16, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  9. saithus
    alot of people will hate me for this but both yuffie and rikku are kinda annoying
    and i havnt played VIII yuffie just because shes in FFVII
    Post by: saithus, Nov 16, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  10. saithus
    vincent. see the avatar?
    vincent is sooo bad***
    he has death penalty, probaly the coolest gun
    and he has chaos
    and the fact that hes a secret character makes it even more bad***
    but cloud does have his wing in kingdom hearts...
    but vincents my favorite character so ill end it with that

    how can you not like his red eyes? they add +1 mysterious points lolz
    Post by: saithus, Nov 16, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  11. saithus
    ffVII hands was great. and it had vincent in it
    x a close second.
    but VIII wont install. and i cant find the ps version
    Post by: saithus, Nov 16, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  12. saithus
    FF7...kinda i got 2/3 of the way through it...
    tactics advanced.
    and i am now currently playing FF7 again
    its sooooooo lame...why does shinra have be in the friggen tournament?:mad:
    Post by: saithus, Nov 16, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  13. saithus
    cloud. for the obvious reasons of...omnislash...
    vincent. for he is that awesome
    again vincent, for the same reason
    Post by: saithus, Nov 16, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  14. saithus
    auron may have higher abilities but right before auron attacks or something. sephiroth will probaly summon a giant meteor and crush him...
    so sephy
    Post by: saithus, Nov 16, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  15. saithus is probaly never going to end. if each one is its own story with its own stories unless its a sequal, or a pre/prolouge, then its never going to end because theylle keep getting more ideas, right?
    Post by: saithus, Nov 16, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  16. saithus
    oh no!
    bluedisk! much will it be then?
    will you need a special driver or sumthing?
    600 for the ps3
    100 for DMC4
    and now about another 100 for FFVII ACC?
    Post by: saithus, Nov 14, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  17. saithus
    bahamut is the best
    bahamut neo
    bahamut zero
    any other bahamuts?
    this post isnt a spam...
    whats the word count to make it not spam?
    Post by: saithus, Nov 14, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  18. saithus
    you dont get the sphere grid anymore...that was made the game THAT much harder to understand, andit let auron become main monk somehow... and so i could kill seymour (the last one) in almost only 2-4 turns...i love quick hit...
    2:sphere break? i still cant play it...or beat shrinra...
    reason 3: its kinda boring keep using the same old characters
    reason 4: how every many people like the ending (the special one) i really think it was lame. specially ******** being back.(hopefully that doesnt ruin it for anyone who accually wants to play.
    reason 5: no auron...there are no really really awesome characters anymore:eek:
    Post by: saithus, Nov 14, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  19. saithus
    NOTICE THIS BOLD CAPSED MESSAGE!!!!!!yesh. this thread is for everyone to post their own ways of helping cloud and co. get all theyre limit yea...EDIT DONT REPOST *(please) and give the author SOME credit at least...please?...again...and excuse me for all the tripple dotting in this first paragraph:p
    ALL LEVEL 4 LIMIT BREAKS I DID NOT WRITE.(im not that big of a geek...): all level 4 limit breaks credit go to:
    Char list
    Red XIII (or Nanaki)
    Cait Sith
    secret chars
    Yuffie, Gained after Red XIII, a random encounter after you cross the marsh and the cave. to the right of junon i think...yea...random encounter. you need certain things to say to her as well as vincent..i dont know them...
    Vincent, Shinra mansion any time you can visit it. hes in the coffin in the basement, the keys in the safe...dont remember the combo... sorry

    Aerith: This is the easiest so im gonna start with her
    After you get out of midgard, you can go to the town to meet the other 2 people of your party. or level up, or ap farm etc.
    here, if you still only have healing wind, you just find the battle with 3 hounds, SAVE FIRST, kill off cloud, and the third member of your party,yes i know evil, make sure aerith has cure. just leave the wolves to attack aerith till he limit bar fills up and use healing wind. everyother time you need to heal use cure.
    When you need to kill stuff, equip you strongest materia, perferably one that always does at least 200 damage. stay near the grass areas by midgard, where the enimies dont have more than 160-190 life. equipt striking staff your materia and the 'all' materia. keep the other 2 members dead. go around and keep aeriths mana up and keep casting your perfered magic with all. this sould get rid of the annoying theives, adding to your kill bank. keep runing around switching these two stragagies till you have all level 3 limit breaks.
    Great Gospel- Oh boy. Ok, you HAVE to do this on disk one. If you’re not past disk one, don’t ask why you have to do it on disk one :P. Once you have the Buggy, go back to Costa Del Sol while in the Buggy and take the ship back to the first continent. Go east from Junon and follow the river until you reach a place where you can cross it. Go north and you’ll see a cave. Go inside and check how many times you’ve fought. If the number of times you’ve fought has the last two digits the same (like 388 or 511) then the guy there will give you an item. If you go in with say, 244 and you get a Bolt Ring, go outside, fight exactly 11 times and go back in. He should give you Mithril. If he gives you Mithril first time, lucky you. Oh and sometimes he just says how many times you’ve escaped or whatever, so go outside, battle once and go back in. After getting the Mithril, go through the game and get the Tiny Bronco. Once you have that, go to the right of Gold Saucer and you’ll see a hut. Go in the hut and give the guy there the Mithril. Then go to the second floor and open the safe-like thing there to get Great Gospel. This makes all party members invincible for the battle and restores all their Hit Points and Magic Points.

    Vincent: Also an easy one. i dont have him yet, but i had him...i was on the VERY end of disc 2...then...i had to return my friend...lame
    neways...(not sure this works, ill test it out later, when i have him in my party)
    same as the last aerith one. travel to the midgard area, equipt all and perferably a pretty high level materia paired with all and element...(element to give it some ap...its probaly one of my favorite materias...after equipting go on a killing frenzy. this might work better for ap and exp on the cresent shaped island where you first fight ultima is where i htink it was...
    Chaos: the great chaos...and death DoC is a great game...
    heres ya go
    Chaos- You can get this on Disk 3 only. Get Vincent in your party and go to the Waterfall ring on the second continent with either a chocobo or Submarine. Go inside the waterfall. You’ll see Lucrecia and a whole little storyline will be shown. You then leave the waterfall. (that part can be done on Disk 2 but it’s quicker on Disk 3) Go back into the waterfall straight away and walk up to the alter. Vincent will say something and you’ll receive his final limit and final weapon. Chaos turns Vincent into a winged being which looks pretty cool. It attacks with two attacks, which, of course, you can’t control :P.
    1. Chaos Saber- A powerful fire blast to all enemies.
    2. Satan Impact- Looks different but still does fire damage to all enemies.

    Cait Sith: ANOTHER easy one. easier than vincents...
    aeriths first one. lots of time and ethers, potions, cure and/or some elixers.
    this works for any area that deals a decent amount of damage to cait sith. not alot. remember you only need to use dice a 8 times...just like every one else...but vincent...ok.
    EDIT: for those of you who dont know. cait sith only has 2 levels...yea...he sux. and slots, his second one has 1/6 or a chance to completly kill you...
    EDIT2: ghey. this is why i hate cait sith. and my other char edits wont have a big EDIT thing in front of them, doesnt mean i didnt edit to put them in. ill put in a list of the chars i hve.

    More coming soon...hopefully all will be based around the areas where you get them.
    Thread by: saithus, Nov 14, 2006, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  20. saithus
    hmmmi like the first one... the seconds one looks like the designers got lazy and put 3 more wings and a chain on it :p
    Post by: saithus, Nov 13, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX