all i have to say is: use mans best friend. - - - -- - - - - - - -- -DUCT TAPE or mans best freinds sedond best friend: super glue. those my only two suggestions.
guy. though i do mmo as a chickzore...i mean come on. if you gonna be looking at a character for a long time, then he/she might as well be hot right?(she for me)
jack from pirates of the caribean ummmmmmmm "but why the rum?" super easy
as much as i hate him for killing me so many times with his water clones... Demyx. as i said above, he just sets a time limit.and masses on his clones
hmmmm...beast... he made sure i didnt have to kill any heartless with a wooden sword...before i got the lame sword or after i got teh chocobo back, jack because hes the pumkin king
behemoths they gave me mithrils and orihalcums, which i then synthesised into boosts for sora
ummmmm kh2 is summon boost... and i dont know the kh1 one if there is one how many savepoints are there in wonderland that let you board the gummi ship?
loathe him i like roxas. but hate him yea
then theres the funny one where sora meets up with riku and kairi... i dont know how to post a picture...TT_TT
hmmmm axelobsessive? this is more than six words
i dont. i've kinda loss faith in nintendo after the gamecube. not enough good games. the only good game is super smash bros melee in my opinion
hmmm this is the spam zone right? so it doesnt really matter how many words per post. and those are some awesome pix
so pixar does count woody toy story "If it's not boroque, don't fix it." this is one of my favorites
917 hmmmm i wanted to get 911...
in this going for athiest...its just a guess.
mushu from mulan ummmm does pixar count? "What's the matter with these scissors?"
soooooooo....rikus gonna be harder on the 4th fight?... and are there any more secret bosses in kh2fm+, and reCOM?
hopefully just because the first one didnt the second one might...i mean the first one probaly wast released because it was pretty small still after the first game. but now that there are 2 more games they might put it out. maybe fo rmore profit. the ps3 costs alot...
hmmm i hope they bring down the difficulty for the 4th riku battle... and are they gonna keep reverse rebirth? if they do then its gonna be godly because you can be riku
definantly. along with the CoM one too is there gonna new game play and stuff? cause thatd be awesome and definatly worth it. also, are they gonna put in there own english voices for KHIIFH+? cause then they woulnd really need ot change anything about it and would just put it out into stores