welll for alll the people who are: "theyre nobodies, they can't love!" explain the axel to roxas thing.... and maybe he was gay BEFORE the nobody-ifcation and it rubbed off? but yes. he is gay.
hmmm i think many people agree. that was the best part of the game. i weas on the urge of stabbing my jugular with a spork.(a fork would be too graphic). i was really happy when she exploded into millions of petals. i probaly hated this because i played that last fight after i came back after half a year later to beat the second to last marluxia... so for the petals, i forgot about the 3-d fighting areas.....and they killed me so many times.
hmmm if they made it for the DS, then i wouldnt have gotten into KH...cause i wouldnt be able to get the rom...
lol moshi moshi is a japanese greeting when they're on the telephone, i know random bits of japanese, like calling someone a pig....(buta) and other various insults
eeeh what kind of thread? if it was like a sewing one, id give you to my sister cause shes obsessed with sewing edit:what if you owned mcDonalds? PS: i feel stupid
i feel ignored.... moshi moooooooooooooooooooshi?
errrmmm in the morning? insane....and you call me sad for mainly posting in the spam zone. afternoon...eh not so much (yes im bad at these time thingies that happen across the world...or us)
dancing panda says thank you
hmmmmi juast want to know what you use? im trying to learn photoshop 7.0...it looked so easy when other people used it in front of me!!!
well you jsut posted 2 minutes after me...
nah im just bored and i've made it past 50 posts (h3llz yea!!!)
sooooooo.... ummmm what know? hmmmmm i think ill declaare this topic, the do anything you want topic, where you just dot eitehr nothing or something, while saying your doing nothing!!!!!!!!!!
showoff...how many people are on right now? wow... it's 1:16 where i live...(Washington)
well it is the spam zone so it doesnt matter. and i just add that sumtimes to make my "spam" posts more interesting cause i basicly live here on this part of the forums ^_~
hmmmm lucky whats teh prize? how did i not see that? now that i do it jumps out of my screen and gives me a giant 8|7<|-| slap across the face.
axel's choice. in a VERY VERY VERY distant kind of way its like the question, if my boyfriend(girlfriend in this case right? im bad at reading all of the posts before mine besides the first one) dumps me and i get another boyfriend/chick, would he be jealose?(spelling...i think) teh answer to both in my oppinion is no...my opinion, because almost none of what i say is fact PS:this is completly random...coming after the first part of my comment but, did you say sorry?
ha ha ha ha ha ha (do those count as seperate words? if not i think these suffice
hmmm dress up as a pink bear and go about sniping kids heads till i was caught by one and killed REMEMBER! sniping:everyone does it
depending on what kind of bear....if i was a panda, then id eat some bamboo and i was a black bear i'd go eat someone... and if i was a grizzly bear, i d go to california and be the only grizzly bear there...if my memory serves me right...which it doesnt...i think... REEDIT: sorry pplz i forgot the questions...
DANCING PANDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! about four more words