yea america is getting dumber... my english teacher can't spell, and my us history teacher cant teach us history
eeeeh to borring i already tried. didnt get past aadvark.
you are now lord of posting the plainly known.
psh whatever the game...or fakegmae...tetris will always prevail..unless its an mmo...(not runescpe!
no i think it was me...or all of us...share the wealth!
dont diss the cave...i have hoards of orcs at my disposal and they're all eady to eat someone...
same...specially the people that take jokes seriously...
yes sarcasm is my seconmd thinking of majoring in it..
hobodude. he had good amv's...and cause hes the only one that i know and is gone....
o_O WHAT? they're the same person?i thought mr.boom was copying mr.bob....
1954 YAY the post count is accurate again!!! <(' '<)(>' '> <(' ')>
i can hear gohsts... no really. seriously...kinda wierd. i can only hear gohsts...i know this because my rooms haunted..odd..but true
hmmmm...a corpse.
yay!!! go x team!!! (help teh x team conquer asia and go past 40%!!!)
psh street? i live in a 5 story cardboard mansion
red team is teh X team team is more war like then x-team...-_-
usedtobebobbutnowisboom... or boom
wow... i go to sleep and a relationship ends...hmmmm i must use this power for pure evil..
im on red team, and i head shot Mr.Boom is there spawn camping?
butter... im awake again!