Yep, I'm glad i made you little better :)
Cool~!! :D
Your welcome, I don't like it when my friends are upset, so I try my best to cheer them up.
it was good ^_^ what did you get?
Aw man, poor you D: I wish I was there to comfort you.
That's good to hear ^_^ How was your Christmas?
Why what happened? D:
I'm good how are you?
Thanks, what are you doing/what have you did for Christmas?
Well, I'm putting some decorations up and tomorrow I plan on buying a present for my mother.
Oh, ok. ^^ ^^
Sorry, I don't watch TV too often..... D:
Tron movie? No I believe I haven't seen it yet, or heard of it for that matter.
No problem, I don't like it when my friends are ill or something.
Oh well, I'm glad you feel better now. ^_^
Oh, not to be too personal but what's wrong?
Oh it's pretty good, how about yours?
your welcome ^_^
Thanks. :D