i know right?
........everyone is crazy!!!!!!
the chicken was me. oldman106 was the kid.
there is.you cant mod the cornerstone though.
ask oldman106! aka oldy
to bad! lol we all know that!
.....no.........but now im going to look for it on the site.....*types in. dw sora raw format*
ok...... everybody ! listen up! the member called riku sora kairi own is actually risk!!!!
were did you get that!xD XD XD XD XXDD poor cat........lol
heres the sound effect.....c,kidshgkfbvkjxc vkjdxn fbnvjxnb vjbvnfnvdjvfcnvjf!!!xbjcbdcknkjhdf!!!!! try to say that! thats the sound of lazers! kubam!
its because your funny!!!!!!
i dont have emotions.......insult me in anyway.....only a few people i know have emotions
oh......ok..........sora 13 is you. ok. its that simple. and look at your profile name. but still thats funny.
see!??? thats why sora 13 is a comedian!
no lol xD he posted above you. i know hes not emo. hes just really funny.
um..........this is the quote and EDIT the post above yours thread.....im not gonna stop editing...... i dont want to hear the rest!
theres one thing wrong with that: im a boy!!
is he boring or funny? i say funny........sometimes....lol
nnnnooooo!!!!!!!!!but my cat does!.....my cats a very crazy n......