no im the winner now quick a mod/admin close this without a post ........ wait u cant do that can u?....*cricket chirps*shut up stupid cricket!
um.....that explains why he made a foot long scratch on my leg. thats the point. i just wanted to see if anyone wouldnt do what i said. but so far everyone has highlighted it so that point is gone. lol
he just passed yeah right my cats invincible. lol and if u didnt highlight this.....i feel sorry for u because u fell victim for this joke. lol XD
what version of game is this? 1.1 or 1.0??? (like greatest hits or normal?)
oh so i dont need an emulator. well. let me see....*goes to rapidshare*
ok. filler/ thanks i just thought about poor mickey thats how i think of code requests
well i do have an emulator...i could dump it ....... if only the emulator would work anymore. maybe one of the coders has the dump you need.
you know what? i thought of a video.... that code with the final moveset roxas vs roxas. that would be so cool.... hey can you work on makeing a mickey with reactions code? that would be funny. but still useful to finish the final battle.
omg that is so cool!! *copys down codes*
bump... i would like a character mod. Like in the story mode when on coruscant ( i spelled it right ; right?) when the hero is anakin? well cant one of the hackers make a code to change it outside of story mode? to make mace windu or the emporer anakin? i would like that code so much....
hey i've been in the dark for a long time.... now im talking. Any news on the Character Mod for NTSC? cus i would like to play as grevious in Obi-Wans story. like when you have to fight him? Greviuos vs Greviuos! ps: i cant spell his name.
oh man..... can somebody port it?
MAN!!! I LOVE THIS GAME!! I LIKE PLAYING AS Darth Vader with the infinite flight code on! you fly around for ever! ITS FUN!
i would ESPECIALLY want a Infinite Health code that doesnt effect bosses i need it!
oh......well the driving into people doesnt really work that good....... well at least not for me ....... lol alright does anyone know the any keyblade is replaced with the Scimitar? cus that would be cool..... any format.
you cant switch songs while your in an area......but you can when your SWITCHING areas using a joker. do you want someone to joker it for you? or do you want to do it yourself? and the codes your using have NO effect on the songs alright?
he had it coming. about the only thing he did was spam.....and ask for codes......and post codes....but anyways....YOU should stop spamming unless you want the same stop.... alright does anyone know the Wield aladdins sword code in raw? or codebreaker even.....? anyone?
i really suck at 4 year old cousin can beat me at it......:( but im good at all other games. WHATS UP WITH THAT!!!??? but i do like this game.......
*GGGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!* take that back!! mugen is awesome! just say it you dont have to mean it......
so far alot of people chose " whats mugen?" i cant believe it! its like nobody knows what mugen is! people.....look it up!