Roxas, what dont believe me? why do you think hes my favorite character. even if i have the same name as Sora i act alot more like Roxas so he's my fav. Got it memorized? Now excuse me while i escape my room since its on fire. Run away! Run away!
hey guys i have been wondering this ever since i beat Dream Drop Distance (which has been about a year now) who else do you think is going to be part of the new orginization XIII, keep in mind its every possible character so both Terranort and Ansem's aprrentice each count as one. so far i have 1. Master Xehanort 2. Young Xehanort 3. Ansem Seeker of Darkness 4. Xemnas 5. Braig 6. Vanitas 7. Isa 8. Terranort 9. Ansem's Apprentice 10. Riksem (riku possesed by ansem) 11. no idea 12. no idea 13. Roxas (jk i wish he was still around)
thats nothing considering the reason i liked destiny island was for the sole fact that 2 guys and 1 girl spent most of their time on the island...just the 3 of that dark place...with no protection...from heartless! definatly the heartless they need protection from. (what were you thinking?)
im going to say 358/2 days, for the simple fact that it looked awesome, seeing the the members together while Roxas is introduced to the orginization made me scream like a fan-girl(kidding) but it was really cool
the style looks so nice, i cant wait to see how riku and mickey will look
treasure planet would be a awesome world to, i loved that movie as a kid
the jungle book was an awesome movie I was so upset that it wasnt in BBS[DOUBLEPOST=1371956655][/DOUBLEPOST] i loved playing in halloween town, port royal was a sweet world as well. although i didnt like that you could only land in 2 areas out of the 4 from the gummi ship
Hey Santa think you can do me a solid and get me KH3? I know its early but ive been a good boy this year
Comment on what worlds you guys are hoping to see in KH3 or any worlds that would be interesting to see. I personally want to see monsters inc. world. all the doors you can go too. that would be awesome or even atlantis, it would be interesting since Leonard Nimoy voices both Xehanort and the elder
i enjoyed Coded but i guess since it has no real addition to the plot other then that Mickey realizes that Sora knows Aqua, Terra and Ven
my first thought was, "TERRAS IS ANSEM!!!!" then "THE GUARDIAN!!!" once i was in the realm of darkness "this is awesome" fighting red eyes "RED EYES BLACK DRAGON" and finally "DiZ i want to kill you"
i wouldn't say KH1 is hard but its that the controls were so compicated
Being the biggest Roxas fan (just look at my name) I have had trouble deciding myself, Namine is quite and shy while Xion is a bit of a tomboy, whats funny is that even though Namine messed with Roxas' memories of the Orginization and removed Xion entirly I just cant seem to hate her. but at the same time Xion and Roxas worked together. they were friends who laughed, cried and eventually fought to the death, a better love story then twilight am i right? They are both awesome and in my mind I think Xion is stronger I cant just say Namine is weaker so im goinh to say their equal Can't I have both?
all i hope for in KH3 is that it looks like the trailer at E3
well they definatly have theirmoments and the're a much better coule then Riku x Kairi, for those who hate me for that last part there is proof. when kairi lost her heart it was sent to the person she has the strongest feelings for. thats Sora.
i would say Roxas, Sora defeated Xemnas in DDD by himself and Roxas is technically Sora
I am speechless i cant even sit still im pacing around my room right now smiling like a fool
i feel like there will be characters in new disney worlds that will die, most likly the villans but theres a gut feeling that aqua dies
These look so awesome I want o get them all