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  1. Cloud3514
    I actually don't really mind the new 3DS, but then, I bought my 3DS at launch. It's nice to see the Circle Pad Pro integrated into the hardware. Really, I see it as an excuse to get an XL. The big issue I see with it is the name, but I suspect that Nintendo is planning to phase out the old 3DS and 3DS XL in favor of the new models. I also suspect that the 2DS will not be phased out, nor will it see a similar revision.

    Also, this is exactly what people were calling for when the 3DS was first announced: a hardware revision that included the extra buttons and Circle Pad from the Circle Pad Pro. Yet another wonderful example of the Nintendo paradox.

    Think of it like the Game Boy Color (which, had that been announced today, would have seen the same damn reaction as the new 3DS). It was slightly more powerful and displayed in color, but was still comparable in virtually every other aspect to the Game Boy Pocket. Some games took advantage of the extra power and could not run on the older iterations of the Game Boy, while others were enhanced by them, even if they could still run on the old hardware. Not every game required the new hardware, but virtually every game DID take advantage of it in some form.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Aug 31, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  2. Cloud3514
    Which is a reason why I have zero interest in the Mystery Dungeon games, but I think with Pokken being a fighting game, it's to show off Fighting-types actually, you know, fighting.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Aug 30, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  3. Cloud3514
    I actually kind of like the idea of being able to grab the bundle for a touch cheaper than buying ala carte. That said, Kinect is still **** and a waste of money.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Aug 26, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  4. Cloud3514
    I think it's less important to know how many shots were fired (after all, it is logical to assume that at least a few shots missed) and more important to note the pause in the shooting. Why did Wilson fire, stop, then resume firing? At the very least, the recording is consistent with eyewitness accounts saying that he fired, stopped, then continued to fire.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Aug 26, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  5. Cloud3514
    That... is not an unpopular opinion.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Aug 22, 2014 in forum: Music
  6. Cloud3514
    The ACLU is sure as hell going to be earning their paychecks for a while.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Aug 19, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  7. Cloud3514
    In the US Supreme Court case Graham v. Connor, it was decided that the force that the police can use must match the situation. In regards to the Brown shooting, as I stated multiple times in this thread, Wilson was legally obligated to cease fire the moment Brown surrendered. Based on the evidence and eyewitness accounts, he is guilty of either second degree murder or voluntary manslaughter because he had no right to use deadly force once Brown attempted to surrender.

    And this is based on the BEST POSSIBLE version of events for Wilson. In any other version of the events, he is outright guilty of second degree murder as his attack was not premeditated, but his intent was to kill.

    As for the press, we have another journalist arrest, but he was quickly released and immediately went back to work, the media pen the police have set up was in a position to keep the press away from the action, allegedly to keep them safe, but like with the no-fly zone (which has been reestablished today), is more likely to censor them.

    So many first amendment violations this week.....
    Post by: Cloud3514, Aug 18, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  8. Cloud3514
    The only account that alleges that Brown rushed Wilson was Wilson's friend, who is very much not a reliable source as she was not an eyewitness and is a biased source. If I remember correctly, even the police report does not say that he rushed Wilson.

    Furthermore, every eyewitness account contradicts the claim that Brown went for the gun. And even if he DID go for the gun, Wilson was legally obligated to cease fire as soon as Brown started to surrender. On top of this, Wilson failed to perform standard police procedure. He did not call of backup as soon as Brown got away, despite shots being fired, he did not call of medical assistance, despite shots fired, he did not call in that shots were fired. When bystanders called 911 to report the shooting, dispatch was completely unaware that there was a shooting in the first place and, after Wilson confirmed that there was a shooting, he failed to mention that he was the shooter.

    Every eyewitness account agrees with this.

    The autopsy that was released is the second autopsy, done by a third-party at the request of Brown's family. Experts have said that, while it impossible to tell what order the shots hit in and that all shots hit from the front, the body shows zero signs of a struggle and the positioning of one of the shots on the arm agrees with Dorian Johnson's (the key witness) account that Brown was surrendering with his hands up. We have not seen the results of the first autopsy conducted by the St. Louis county police, which is suspicious and we are waiting for the results of a third autopsy.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Aug 18, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  9. Cloud3514
    Only 63% of the town is black, but they account for over 90% of arrests. Are you honestly saying that 30% of the town's population is only guilty of less than 10% of the town's crime? Furthermore, it has been shown that white residents of the town are statistically more likely to be breaking the law than the black residents. Yes, the majority of the town is black, but these statistics show that there are serious problems with racial profiling.

    Every single witness says that the only thing that started the confrontation was Brown and his friend walking down the street. Are black people not allowed to walk down the street?

    Also, stop with the "NOT ALL POLICE" ****. WE KNOW. This isn't about good cops. Just because they're there doesn't excuse the bad cops. We don't need you to say "but these cops are ok" because WE KNOW.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Aug 18, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  10. Cloud3514
    Except that EVERY eyewitness account contradicts the officer's claims. Further, we have footage that alleges that there was no robbery. I'm not going to say for certain that it does, the video is too hard to make out for that, but it is evidence to consider.

    However, while you're right that it could have affected how Brown acted towards Wilson, again, every eyewitness account contradicts that claim, it doesn't change that, even in the best possible version of events for him, Wilson is still guilty of either second degree murder or voluntary manslaughter.

    As I said earlier, releasing information about the alleged robbery is nothing more than character assassination. That is why it just "happened" to be released at the same time as Wilson's name.

    Except that it was a race issue from the start. Ferguson PD have been proven to be guilty of racial profiling with literally over 90% of arrests and traffic stops being against the black population, despite the fact that the white residents in the town are more likely to be breaking the law. Furthermore, we have obvious character assassination, an excessive response by police, even BEFORE last Sunday's riot, protesters attesting to being racially profiled and the case of Henry Davis, who was falsely arrested, beaten, then charged with destruction of property for BLEEDING ON THEIR UNIFORMS.

    Whether you like it or not, this is about race. The outcry would have been far smaller had it only been a controversial shooting. This is the result of YEARS of racial tension between the people and a racist police force reaching a boiling point.

    EDIT: CNN has just confirmed that the convenience store that Brown allegedly robbed NEVER filed a report about a robbery. Think about that for a moment.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Aug 18, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  11. Cloud3514
    Care to explain what relation the robbery has to the shooting? Because, as I explained, according to eyewitness reports, there is no evidence to suggest it does.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Aug 18, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  12. Cloud3514
  13. Cloud3514
    Of course there was more looting. It's almost like the county police tried to derail things and paint the victim as a villain, which, SURPRISE, only pissed people off more and added to the chaos. Luckily, however, we are seeing protesters doing what they can to stop the looters (note that in the VAST majority of cases, looters aren't interested in any protest and are simply trying to take advantage of the chaos). Hopefully last night will be the last night of looting.

    And yes, I am in disagreement with the curfew. Notice that Thursday night saw ZERO chaos. What happened last night was just another case of the county police handling the situation like idiots. The state or the FBI need to come and start the investigation over from scratch because I doubt we can trust a hell of a lot of the county's investigation.


    The FBI is in fact investigating the shooting. GOOD. We can't trust the county to handle the investigation properly.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Aug 16, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  14. Cloud3514
    There was only one night of looting and, as with the vast majority of cases of riot-based looting, the looters were not likely involved in the protest, but were simply taking advantage of the chaos. Furthermore, no one is making any excuses for Sunday night's riot or the looting, but Thursday night is proof that, had the police not shown up in SWAT gear and actually did their job of making sure the protests didn't get out of hand, the situation wouldn't have exploded, but then, that's expecting the police in a town with years of racial tension to actually treat the largely black group of protesters as people. What a world of difference there is when the police actually do treat them like people.

    EDIT: Please note that I wrote this post before work, before I could check the news and see that, yes, Friday night saw more looting.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Aug 16, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  15. Cloud3514
    Unfortunately, all evidence points to yes, he was in fact involved in robbing the Quik Trip. However, the shooter was allegedly not aware of this and, even if he was, it's called "innocent until proven guilty" for this exact reason.

    If the shooter was unaware of Brown's involvement in the robbery, it is completely and totally irrelevant to the shooting. Or at least, it should be. The fact that the county police pointed out his involvement in the robbery when the shooter was allegedly unaware that Brown was the suspect is proof that the state police need to come in and take over the investigation. The investigation should NEVER bring up facts that are irrelevant to the investigation and doing otherwise is further proof that all they're trying to do is defend a racist cop who killed an unarmed man/teenager (confirmation on age, please?) for no real reason.

    On the flip side, if the shooter did know about the robbery, then this is exactly why our justice system is ostensibly based on the concept of "innocent until proven guilty." Killing a suspect for a crime they have yet to be tried for is murder. It's also vigilantism, which is also illegal. Regardless, if the shooter's motivation was to punish him for the crime, it's flat-out murder.

    This should be an open/close case, but as this is "post-racism" America, I can only hope that the shooter is actually punished for his crime.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Aug 16, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  16. Cloud3514
    Alright, episode 5 because I'm a lazy ass and didn't feel like watching until now. So far so good. The harem idiocy is gone, Kirito isn't quite as much of a Mary Sue as he was last season and the story is actually getting a few interesting terms.

    However, while Kirito isn't as much of a Mary Sue this time around, I'm still wondering how he was able to tell where his opponent was going to be. Is it a skill? If so, this is left completely unexplained.

    Related, if it IS a skill and considering the free character transfer, wouldn't min/maxing power gamers already explore this idea? Find a different game, study up the skills and find some that will transfer over to GGO to make your character better. We know it's possible as it was said that Kirito still has his skills from ALO.

    Why is Sinon so angry with Kirito for not telling her that he's male? She only assumed he was female and he simply rolled with it. He never lied to her because she never actually asked.

    Why does it matter that players can put their personal information into the system for prizes when they can just skip that step and opt out of getting them? The idea of prizes is fine, but this is something that I seriously doubt will be touched upon later. Again, see Chekov's Gun.

    If GGO is so popular in Japan, why doesn't Zaskar have a Japanese website set up for it? How do non-English speaking players get access to customer support? I can't imagine that World of Warcraft would go without a Japanese site, so why would GGO?

    There is mention that trading in-game currency for real money is a legal grey area. Why is this? If the company wants to give their profit to their players, what's stopping them? Not to mention the issues I've mentioned before on HOW this is done.

    The lightsaber sound effects are identical to the ones in Star Wars. Not a complaint, I just still want a Star Wars anime.

    The show actually remembered Asuna's musing about reality and virtual reality. Bravo. I never would have expected that. Hopefully we get some pay off.

    I like the twist that Death Gun is survivor of SAO. This was an unexpected twist that works, especially seeing as he is a Laughing Coffin member (surprised we actually got mention of them again, too). What I don't like is that they just reveal that he was a member of Laughing Coffin so readily, though. I would have much preferred the mystery on his identity keep that a secret. Then again, this is better than had they just said "he's this dude from Laughing Coffin!" when revealing his identity, but a good mystery would have kept that as a major hint to be revealed later on.

    Still need to watch episode 6, but for now, I have to work in the morning.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Aug 15, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  17. Cloud3514
    Yes, but there have been protests going on all over the country tonight.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Aug 14, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  18. Cloud3514
    And we have updates: Four arrests in New York, but so far, as far as I can tell, all of the protests are peaceful.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Aug 14, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  19. Cloud3514
    I think that picture is absolutely brilliant. It so perfectly captures the oppression. He is quite literally throwing back the **** thrown at him.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Aug 14, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  20. Cloud3514
    You're correct in saying that most officers are just doing their jobs and are decent, however, going "NOT ALL POLICE" is just derailing the conversation with irrelevant information we already know. The situation isn't about trying to fight false allegations of police abuse, it IS police abuse. The press is being censored, mostly peaceful protesters are being shot at for dubious reasons, reporters were being arrested for dubious reasons, a no fly zone was declared, ostensibly to clear the sky for police, but more likely to keep news copters out of the area. While the last bit is speculation on my part, I can source everything else for you. The police aren't geared up to contain a riot, no one would blame them if they were, they're geared up for a battle.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Aug 14, 2014 in forum: Current Events