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  1. Cloud3514
    Fun fact: Review scores exist ENTIRELY because the readers like instant gratification.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Feb 10, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  2. Cloud3514
    Hmm. Generally this kind of news only comes up when they have something big to announce. There's a reason the only third parties to normally do a press conference are EA and Ubisoft, with Konami doing a digital presentation ala Nintendo Direct (though they were doing it for a few years before Nintendo).
    Post by: Cloud3514, Feb 10, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  3. Cloud3514
    Well, the idea is that you can stream the Xbox to a computer in a different room... but a lot of gamers probably have their computers in the same room, hell, connected to the same TV as the Xbox.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Jan 27, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  4. Cloud3514
    Welp, I guess I'm buying a THIRD copy of Borderlands 2.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Jan 20, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  5. Cloud3514
    It's a touch more complicated than that. After Guitar Hero II, Activision bought Red Octane, who owned the Guitar Hero IP. Harmonix, who had developed the first two games, still had the rights to use the code, so they started Rock Band due to being booted off Guitar Hero so Activision could give it to Neversoft to churn out yearly (or rather, three or four times a year since Activision published FOURTEEN Guitar Hero games in the span of four years).

    Harmonix, being a company made up of musicians and specializing in rhythm games, made a MUCH better game with any Rock Band title than any of Neversoft's Guitar Hero outings.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Jan 18, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  6. Cloud3514
    While it is unfortunate that each Amiibo can only save one game's data at a time, it is very nice that the same character from any series of Amiibo will function identically. This would be especially nice for scarce characters, but seems almost wasted on Super Mario characters that aren't Rosalina.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Jan 14, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  7. Cloud3514
    And Nintendo thought Awakening wasn't going to be successful and nearly canceled the series.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Jan 14, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  8. Cloud3514
    Considering how many people bought "used" copies of Xenoblade (including myself) that had a different box design from the first run copies and unused Club Nintendo codes, I'd say it's more than rumor. Hopefully if they do that underhanded bullshit again, it backfires on them again (seriously, no one was buying the game for $90. Hell, I only got mine when they dropped the price to $50).
    Post by: Cloud3514, Dec 12, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  9. Cloud3514
    As an admitted sucker for Assassin's Creed and steampunk: Dammit, Ubisoft. Can I just sell you my soul already?
    Post by: Cloud3514, Dec 4, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  10. Cloud3514
    The parties of McCulloch (who, by the way, has a history of being biased towards law enforcement) and Nixon are irrelevant. When I point out that Republicans were scared shitless at Ferguson residents registering to vote, it was not to imply that Republicans are always racist. That's a completely absurd position to take. I was simply pointing out that members of the party that particularly benefits from the racism in the system was scared of more minority voters.

    The fact is that there are racists in the Republican party and they see minority voters as a threat to them, regardless of the fact that not every Republican is racist. The fact that there are big name commentators, pundits and politicians, regardless of party, are scared of minority voters should raise a hell of a red flag.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Nov 26, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  11. Cloud3514
    "Anyone who doesn't see an explanation for the violence and the anger are either not ****ing trying or they're a part of the problem. All it takes is to read the disgusting racism on ANY article about this. There's your explanation. There's the reason why people are angry. And there's the reason why they've taken to violence."

    That's what I had to say about this turn of events. I wish I could say I was surprised at the decision. It's absolutely disgusting that a man walks away from killing an unarmed 18 year old without even going to trial. He should have been tried even if there was ONE member of the jury that had doubts about him being justified, whether or not he IS actually justified. However, dwelling on what happened isn't going to do ****.

    What needs to happen now is people need to get involved and change the system, both from within and without. I have no idea how to get this done, but it needs to be done. Remember, the Republicans were scared shitless when Ferguson residents were registering to vote. That says something.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Nov 25, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  12. Cloud3514
    I recall seeing somewhere that he killed 6, but I neither remember where that is, nor do I really care.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Oct 16, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  13. Cloud3514
    Alright, I got bored and figured, hey, let's watch a couple episodes of SAO so I can see just how far this rabbit hole goes. So, let's talk about episode six because I am comically behind, which is actually quite normal for me because I tend to fall behind on shows I actually like, too (see: Kamen Rider Gaim).

    Anyway, I like the episode. It's actually really strange to me that so far, I've liked most of the episodes. Did Kawahara actually learn from the many, MANY, problems the first two arcs had? Or did the animators just rewrite or cut out most of them? Still, so far so good, season 2.

    I was kinda expecting this to be a several episode tournament arc, but the pacing is actually pretty good. I would have liked to see some more coverage of Sinon's matches, though. Speaking of which, was it ever shown or explained that the game has vehicles outside of the main city area?

    Anyway, my notes:

    * Kirito has PTSD from the events of the SAO incident. He has a character flaw. Do you guys realize how big of a deal this is? A character flaw that's not just told about and immediately contradicted, but a real, legitimate one that actually adds some depth to the character. It came out of nowhere being more or less completely untouched upon in the last arc, but it's still an actual character flaw.

    Granted, if Kawahara knew what he was doing, he would have foreshadowed this, but I think I've long since established that Kawahara doesn't know what foreshadowing even is. It would be logical for psychiatrists to be at the ready for SAO survivors because it's almost like they were locked in a death game for two years or something and it would be logical that Kazuto would see one because of even potential PTSD.

    Now let's count the number of episodes that it takes before the PTSD character trait is dropped entirely (which in a good story, it would never be. As someone who rooms with a Gulf War vet, PTSD is not something you exactly get over).

    * In the flashback to the Laughing Coffin raid, we're shown Kirito kill one person and we're told that ten raiders were killed and twenty members of Laughing Coffin wouldn't surrender. It then says that only two of them were killed. So, were the other 18 captured? Is this a continuity error? Or just ****** writing?

    However, I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt to the show and say it was ****** writing. Seeing the scale of the battle, I find it hard to believe that only two Laughing Coffin members were killed, especially since it was established that twenty wouldn't surrender. I'd have believed as few as maybe eight, but two?

    * Seeing how Kirito acts during his SAO flashback is actually extremely believable. PTSD does some serious **** to your mind and it's not a stretch of the imagination to see how Kirito acts. Similarly, Sinon's panic from her own PTSD triggering was quite tense and believable.

    * ****ing BULLSHIT on how Kirito blocked Sinon's bullet. Even if I could believe such a thing in ALO, he's never experienced a game with guns, so the movements are totally different to what he's used to.

    * There are some interesting parallels drawn between Kirito and Sinon. I hope we get to see these continued to be explored.

    EDIT: Because I forgot about the list when posting this:

    List of things Reki Kawahara needs to learn about before he writes anything else:
    Character development
    The Bechdel Test
    Post by: Cloud3514, Oct 16, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  14. Cloud3514
    You know, I'm really feeling Shulk.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Sep 29, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  15. Cloud3514
    I..... have no words.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Sep 18, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  16. Cloud3514
    It's a strange move, really. Minecraft is already out on every current Playstation, so it's not another case of them buying an exclusive and Mojang doesn't seem to be working on anything particularly high profile outside of Minecraft. I doubt Microsoft was worried about a Wii U version of Minecraft, nor did Nintendo seem interested in getting one, so it seems unlikely that it's a political move, which is usually what Microsoft's developer purchases and co-publishing is usually for, see Rise of the Tomb Raider (which had zero need for Microsoft to give money to) and Titanfall (which also had no reason to be paid for by Microsoft and Respawn has made it obvious that the only reason it's Xbox exclusive is because Microsoft paid EA). Rare was also a political move, just not one that worked out for them as well as they would have liked.

    I don't care about Minecraft, so really, I'm sitting on the sidelines and watching because it's a fascinating turn of events.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Sep 17, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  17. Cloud3514
    We're likely going to see elements of Emerald's story, just as we saw Crystal's storyline integrated into HeartGold/SoulSilver.

    As for Primal Groudon: Flygon uses Earthquake. Charizard uses Earthquake. Gyarados uses Earthquake. BLAZIKEN uses Earthquake. Half the goddamn game uses Earthquake.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Sep 14, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  18. Cloud3514
    I almost expect it to be a PS4/XB1/PC version of the Legacy Collection.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Sep 13, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  19. Cloud3514
    Also not including separate Mii Fighter movepools, genders for Wii Fit Trainer, Robin and Villager or reskins like Alph and the Koopalings.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Sep 11, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  20. Cloud3514
    Wow the NES design is lazy. They've done an NES edition handheld before with the GBA SP. THAT was a damn fine looking NES throwback design. For this, they just made the buttons red and put an NES controller on the top.

    Also, I really like the Persona one. Really cool that it's designed after a book.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Sep 10, 2014 in forum: Gaming