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  1. Cloud3514
    The Protomen in Rock Band? Damn. After them stating disappointment at the model of the Rock Band Network (IE, they disliked that Harmonix took a far larger chunk of the money earned than they did), I completely gave up on them in the game.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Aug 24, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  2. Cloud3514
    At this point, the most I can hope for from this game is that it isn't Duke Nukem Forever-esque patchwork. I can't say I'll be surprised if the final game ends up with assets from 2006. Square seriously needs to stop announcing their games too early.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Aug 6, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  3. Cloud3514
    Yes, because I totally don't acknowledge the popularity of a band that is completely derivative of far better and more original works in it's own genre that makes some of the most obnoxious and uninspired tripe to be played on the radio. I'm not sitting here demanding the game consist of nothing but obscure progressive rock, but I would prefer to see popular music that isn't absolute ****. I mean, I actually am kinda celebrating the inclusive of "Uptown Funk." That's a fun song that's also popular.

    Why can't we see something like Daft Punk? It might sound strange, but practically everything on Random Access Memories would work very well. Hell, as much as I dislike them, why not more Paramore? At least they've got a few ideas that show they actually put some effort into their work.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Aug 4, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  4. Cloud3514
    *sigh* I guess I should have expected something Fall Out Boy. They're absolute garbage, but popular garbage because pop music listeners are too stupid to recognize good music.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Aug 4, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  5. Cloud3514
    A Judas Priest song from Redeemer of Souls? Huh. Would have expected something from Painkiller and I was hoping for something from Angel of Retribution.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Jul 14, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  6. Cloud3514
    Of course, we need to remember that while the battle is won, the war is far from over. You can still be fired for being gay in about half of the country and only ONE state has protections for transgendered people.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Jun 27, 2015 in forum: Current Events
  7. Cloud3514
    You might still be able to see that contest go down, if the attorney generals and state court reactions are anything to go off of. Still, bout damn time America joined the civilized world, even if it had to be dragged kicking and screaming (just as it always does. And people wonder why I despise patriotism).
    Post by: Cloud3514, Jun 27, 2015 in forum: Current Events
  8. Cloud3514
    Huh. Good thing I don't have a PS4 yet, then.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Jun 22, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  9. Cloud3514
    I love how Nintendo demos their games at E3. They just hand the Treehouse folks the games and let them play. So refreshingly honest, especially compared to when you see Ubisoft's terrible scripted "mic chatter."
    Post by: Cloud3514, Jun 18, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  10. Cloud3514
    If they're just going to wait until TGS to show anything about the game, why did they bother announcing it at E3?
    Post by: Cloud3514, Jun 17, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  11. Cloud3514
    And yet they had nothing to show.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Jun 16, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  12. Cloud3514
    And I thought Final Fantasy VII was announced too early. Wonder when Square is going to learn better timing to announce things.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Jun 16, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  13. Cloud3514
    Well, from the looks of it, and knowing Square's past, they announced the game too early. I'm so surprised.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Jun 16, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  14. Cloud3514
    Well, hopefully it will be better than the last Warriors game on the 3DS.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Jun 10, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  15. Cloud3514
    Here's what I get from that footage: I ****ing HATE Fall Out Boy.

    Seriously, Activision has done nothing to make this game look interesting to me.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Jun 8, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  16. Cloud3514
    Oh sure, but it's still a factor, even if it isn't a big one.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Jun 7, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  17. Cloud3514
    Post by: Cloud3514, Jun 7, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  18. Cloud3514
    Tales of Zestiria's out in Japan right? Because my first reaction was confusion as to why we're getting an announcement of this game before the last one was out. Stupid regional releases.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Jun 6, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  19. Cloud3514
    I've been having stability issues with the last few updates. Frustrating because it's the only browser I can tolerate using more than I have to, especially with the atrocious new search bar and the fact that I need a goddamn add-on to have full control of the interface.
    Post by: Cloud3514, Jun 5, 2015 in forum: Technology
  20. Cloud3514
    I have to disagree that it's made up for by the beta, simply because a beta is going to last a couple months, tops. That said, is multiplayer really that big of a deal for Uncharted? Legitimate question here. I have the first two games, but only ever played the first one, so I have no idea (and even then, I don't really care about most multiplayer games).
    Post by: Cloud3514, Jun 5, 2015 in forum: Gaming