If that means there's actually some focus on telling the story and fewer superfluous characters (seriously, people who somehow like Final Fantasy XIII, please tell me ONE thing Jihl Nabaat did that Yaag Rosch couldn't have done or vice versa), then it should be a good sign. Somehow Final Fantasy XIII managed to have practically no plot, while still having too much plot.
Personally, seeing as even the PS4 version of the Platinum Demo has some framerate stuttering, I'd rather see them work on optimizing that before working on polishing other parts of the visuals. I'm disappointed that we're not seeing 60 FPS (and MGSV tells me that there is a way to make the game look phenomenal AND have a rock solid 60 FPS, even on X1), but I can live with 30. The frame stuttering is killing me, though.
This is a non-sequitur. My mentioning of GamerGate is purely an example and had nothing to do with you. The reason I brought it up was to point out that they, and those with similar mentalities to them (which includes you based on what I've seen) are the only ones who cared about the "censorship." The word censorship implies pressure. ONE person asking for ONE ass-shot's removal is not pressure, especially when Blizzard's response included them saying that they were likely going to remove the pose anyway. The suggestion that they only said as such to save face is completely baseless and pushes us into conspiracy theory and straw grasping territory.
Where is this outrage and who is making it? There was only one complaint and Blizzard themselves said they were likely going to change it anyway. You're under the impression that anyone outside of the usual anti-"SJW" circle gave a ****. The only reason the vast majority of people are even aware the pose existed, let alone was removed, was because of people like GamerGate getting pissed off at the "censorship." And while we're at it, let's talk about your flawed definition of censorship. While, yes, you are technically correct in the dictionary definition of the word, using it implies that Blizzard was pressured to remove the pose. This is absurd. There is a difference between censorship and editing. Blizzard edited their game to fit more with their own artistic vision and it just so happened that the person placing the complaint (about the Beta test for the game, where the entire point is to collect feedback for the sake of improving the game) gave them the motivation to say "eh, let's just cut it now and call it a day." The concept of "self-censorship" is a complete absurdity. A creator has the freedom to modify their work however they see fit and Blizzard did just that and it was during the phase of development where the entire point is to get player feedback and respond to it.
The "controversy" is ****ing stupid. The only people who give even the slightest of a **** are GamerGate and their ilk. Literally the only outrage was the backlash at the change. Ironic, considering their constant bitching about "SJW outrage culture."
Uematsu was the primary composer for FFX, FFXI and FFXIV, actually, but I digress. I don't really see the point of casting Sean Bean, Lena Heady and Aaron Paul if they're only able to get them for Kingsglaive. It seems like an egregious inconsistency just for the sake of getting star power for a movie that's only going to appeal to people who want to play the game in the first place.
I think we should be sure the game is good before celebrating that its actually coming out. Final Fantasy XIII is a piece of **** and I found Final Fantasy XIV less than impressive. I find it hard to get particularly excited for it, especially considering the recent history of the series.
God damn this annoys me. The Gamepad is just as much a standard controller as the DS4. The DS4 has the same amount of unnecessary gimmicks as the Gamepad. They both have the standard two stick, four face, four shoulder, one d-pad set up. It amazes me that I still see people bitching about how Nintendo should use a standard controller when they already do.
In comparison to similar headsets, the price is reasonable and expected. Part of it is that the tech is still relatively new, so it's largely going to appeal to the early adopter audience that doesn't mind paying the premium. Its interesting tech, but not interesting enough for me to want to pay more than I did for the damn console it goes with.
So, in short, this silly VR headset costs more than the console it goes with. And then people wonder why I don't give a **** about VR.
It looks like we're looking at Gen VII. I'm OK with that. I'm a little disappointed we're not getting a Z version since I do think Kalos could be greatly improved with a third version expanding it, much like Unova did in Black and White 2.
They could be a second set of Gen VI games. A Gen VI.5, if you will. Introducing new Mega Evolutions is not unprecedented. As such, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect new Gen VI Pokemon, especially since the previous games can be updated to allow trading between them. Another thing to note is that while trademarks for versions that never come isn't unheard of (Grey and DeltaEmerald were trademarked), this is the first time we've had logos to go with those trademarks.
If this one is Gen VI, I hope it's not another mythic Pokemon. If it is, then we'll have MORE mythic Pokemon than legendary Pokemon for Gen VI.
I'm still scratching my head at the fact that the Xbox One version of the game is getting released in Japan.
Honestly, I'm not going to get my hopes up for a western release of Blue Revolution. We didn't get Valkyria Chronicles 3, so Sega might think only the first game has a market.
I'm thinking I'm not getting my hopes up until we get confirmation of a western release.
Huh. Almost looks like a Dark Souls-esque game with a Japanese mythology paint job.
Sword of Mana was perfectly OK. And the biggest changes were simply there to remove the Final Fantasy coat of paint. Any other changes were there to take advantage of the extra options afforded to them by the GBA hardware. But that's not the point I was making. My point is that, or the well regarded Mana games, Seiken Densetsu III is still the only one that's never been released outside of Japan.
Another remake? Why can't we just get Seiken Densetsu III?