Its okay. How are you?
Bacon!!! How many 3s are in 33333333?
Hi I'm John nice to meet you.
Hi jayn I'm posting from school.
I'm bored as hell.
People that can't accept others religion choises piss me off. So your a satanist big deal, your happy with your choise so more power to ya.
I hope kh goes forever.
He is an alien from saturn.
Whats up Jacob. I am sending this from school.
I bet. So how are you?
Cool that would be fun.
Yes and no. We were playing with dry ice and making the lid of bottles pop off and mine got stuck.
I blew up a bottle in science. Anything new with you?
Nice. Who came up with this.
Happy birthday to you. You live in a zoo. You look like a monkey. And you smell like one too. YAY!!!!!
He's bi be cause I think he's gay but he obviously likes Larxene. This is only my opinion.
In my opinion I think if the student and teacher love each other than they should be alowed to be together. I know what it's like to not be able to have the one you love it's hell.
I absolutely positively without a doubt with every fiber of my being hate school
Yes I do believe in best friends because I have 2.
Save the person I care about most.