Agreed, some more the child would have remember the pain and revenge on you some days
well... this has never happened to me b4.. but i think it's true.. Some movie or Tv show could show the real things..
i think if the child is mature enough and independent, 20 would be suit them to go out on their own, but nowadays it will be dangerous for parents to send their child out..
i believe kingdom heart is true.. i saw a keyhole b4.. maybe im too sleepy...
Lol.. but got one time, i found its really scare me off, i saw myself in front of me.. i dunno whether it is consider a ghost..
i think it will be end of sorrow...
u do saw it b4? it kinda scary anywhere...XDD
Yeah.. i believe there is ghost.. bcoz i saw it twice Normally i dont believe it..
i thought Mickey and Riku are wearing the black cloaks bcoz they are the servant of dark? XDD i think that scence is Mickey make a promise with Riku
Congrats ^^.. i manage to beat him at lvl 60 something, but took me few times to defeat him.. >_< Too bad.. >_<""
Lol.. Roxas could be main character, but about his nobody? o.o! his name will be like... @_@
Thank you, i got it
just using Sora's trinity? o.o but i thought normal attack could do it faster? XDD
i think one of the Nomura interview said that both of them are just really best friends.. i dunno which interview, just like seem it b4
i think Ansem in Kh1 said b4, only Riku's heart is left behind, so he is not a heartless and a nobody of his would not exist
Can't imagine if Sora is not the main character...
I dream i'm Zexion before, helping Ansem the Wise in his lab and i dream BBS storyline b4..XDD
maybe he will be the final boss
Yea, plus Nomura already confirm that the secret ending is in the past.. just some words are related to future maybe
what secret ending is that? o.o