I think muffin man have the point..
Yea.. possible
maybe he mean the chasers create from ppl's memories
Yea.. just a thought anyway..lol.. i doubt that he give mickey the star-seeker and mickey is training under him.. and Terra and Ven as well XDD
Yup.. i agree with you.. on that time Ansem the wise is at Hollow bastion too.. the master could be someone we dunno or probably is YenSid..
except Ars Arcanum, i think there will be other special attack.. =o
it can only go to lvl99 i think..^^"
i was thinking whether another playable character is Mickey..XD
it is Aqua armor XD
its already be confirm i think..XD but is Aqua confirm to being playable character?
Hmm... - people who thought themselves are genius - people who are busybody - people who think themselves are perfect - people who acting very rude and not polite - people who are not friendly and annoying - people who like to refuse others' opinion - my neighbour' dog -_-'
yea, sure, i love multiplay
i like him, his voice was funny
maybe it is about Xehanort's past..XP
Congrats my favourite kh moments ? is actually when i get secret ending -_-' and i finish the game within one weeks
and then this thread is open for us to discuss about the truck.. lol
i think bcoz he is the leader of Organisation XIII or probably he merged with someone else
Axel = Lea Larxane = Relena Vexen = Even Marluxia = Lumaria Lexaeus = Eleaues Siax = Ias Zexion = Ienzo Demyx = Myde Luxord = Rudol Xigbar = Braig Xaldin = Dilan Xemnas = Ansem Roxas = Sora Just Guessing
i don't think she is playable character.. ><
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