ill say Auron. cuzz he can beat Cloud and Squall
FF3 is the same game as FF6. so are they making FF3 different?
I like FF2 cuzz its better than FF1
I hope Sephiroth doesn't comeback. I always seeing Cloud VS Sephiroth. im tired of Cloud VS Sephiroth. why not Squall VS Seifer
Vincent chaos can totally pwn Cloud omnislash
wow look at this video i found. he hitting him over a thousands hits by using codebreaker
sorry thats all i can find (M) U45K-082U-RHF5F 9BF1-KM2B-2098N One Shot Kill TUWZ-P35W-FGVG6 QKB9-8M8A-QHA90 Infinite Gil YK2H-QUF3-1MP16 AN1P-3CBK-JHTC9 Max Str 1W4T-J98G-TJDK8 3FQM-P33Q-TANXP Max Def MPVE-N14Q-Y9HE6 ZJ94-FYDF-MFZCY Max Dex 9V0Z-ZN39-1MY4K DC66-RNA3-UMMWJ Max Int V8NN-Z9FB-7CRMR XMMG-9P7E-P0MMB Quick Level Up BW1H-CJNT-9QD9F UB9Z-B9PG-1G4Y8 Infinite Handgun Ammo Q01B-VMV4-N9K2Y 7AUF-VEU6-4MRJP RRBA-UN8N-NUWT4 Infinite Rifle Ammo XRDJ-4UCQ-NJ0NP 3EVR-N3J0-61AGH NPHV-JDKG-XV1MJ Infinite Machine Gun Ammo U0J6-XMBD-0A6FB BBZQ-Q0FD-PBWFB Z252-3BG7-H0425 Infinite Potions XV78-ZR10-V0ZEC DZAV-7M3A-51RN7 GQZ5-N62U-F3XR7 Unlock Event Viewer/Ex Hard Mode 8K6N-4R4G-7BKJZ 4YPR-28PP-WRB0H Chapter Ranking Codes KV1U-H926-U93J1 999 Targets Destroyed 3BDG-XAAV-P0H3Q RNC0-F6HT-AHF50 999 Critical Hits 7CBC-FN3D-8T3PD V0MY-TV33-9M9YP 0 Damage Sustained ZB3T-1EEP-874UN 29B0-K1JJ-WQB9V 0 Items Used C7X6-JEAX-CQ9HJ 75WJ-FB9R-56MK9 999 Magic Casted 9ZMV-7BHN-QY43G X2CT-45QK-EBYYQ