One of the themes of kingdom hearts is nostalgia anyway so it makes sense to repeat a lot of stuff but still would have been nice
interesting perspective. To me coded was just sort of meh,but i agree sidestorys should not anything that is highly important to the main story. It always made me angry that the handheld titles did that Had I knew that they would later put the handel titles on the playstation I would not have bought the DS. The problem with coded is that it did not try anything new I would habe liked if the story was so that not the journal of Sora was digitized but maybe some documents from ansem, from his studys about other worlds so we could have seen something new and not just again all the places we already have been to.
hello and guten tag dear friend
the simplicity of the story, altough I actually like how convoluded it has become it just part of the character of the series, the very easy to understand story in KH1 is part of the reason why it is my favorit kingdom hearts, that and the fact that I never expected that a game with Disney vcharacters could or would be this good.
exactly I feel the same way I am a huge DC fan but I simply cant get exicted anymore fool me once shame on you fool me...hmmm two, three, four times shame on me
WOW the internet is truly amazing!
more accurate would be How Fans feel right now
Oh god I freaking love spryo if they would make a remastered version of that just like they are doing now with crash bandicoot I would be so happy
how about some time travel in a plan to use your corpse to kill hitler
makes sense hmmm bummer
played it on the ps2, but why of all the final fantasy games this one? It was pretty good but I dont know why not FF8?
Excuse me for a moment I need to change my underwear
at this point I am just thinking "every second brings you closer to this game"
holy jesus! o.o
is the only thing I could think of
keep the facts coming my friend
Everybody can change for the better
happy birthday
a low price to pay for ones own I identity
hmm how do I prove that I am me?