yea me to for all the occasions when my normal keyblade is to heavy like....when I buy a mouse as a pet so I can have a real life mickey mouse keyblade master
welcome back
I know what costume I want to have in KH3
I wish I was there
what was your first contact with Kingdom hearts? what games do you look forward to? what was the longest time that you played a single game (in hours)? do you think half life 3 is coming out? Mario or sonic?
You can clearly see that awesome voice guy is such a fanboy :)
I could use that keyblade as a letter opener
hello everybody I have made another movie review please enjoy
hello there
there was a shortcut? aaaah dang it!
I am mostly happy that the old combat system has returned the cards are...fine but the problem is that I can only choose a couple of different controlls allf of which make it so hard to select a spell like cura while I also have to be carefull not to get killed by a boss.
and so it moves further and further away from me
If they make this it would be a good idea for them to use the same animation style as the first Digimon season or anything more complex it would make a nice contrast to all the other shows today that use a more "simpel" animation style MLP/Adventure time/steven universe/regular show
my life makes sense again thank you!
hmmmm I will forever love the cover of the first Kingdom hearts such a great picture that makes you heart scream ADVENTURE!!!
oh yes 0.2 is Freaking amazing! If this is what we will get in KH3 its going to be the ride of a lifetime.
So I have been thinking alot about the Rapunzel world lately and I think I know exactly how the story In this world will happen. If I am right you can send me a cookie in a year (hopefully just a year) so here it goes, we start the level by arriving at rapunzels tower not knowing were they are Sora and his friends decide to look inside the tower, there we find mother Gothel how just has found out that rapunzel is gone. Being mother gothel she tells us "oh Pleaaaassse help me my dearest daughter is gone help me! I am just a poor loving mother" our heros than go into the woods and follow rapunzel long hair that is like a red...well yellow line. After fighting countless heartless we find Rapunzel and Eugene. Rapunzel tells us about her dream, hearing how important it is for her to see the floating lights the gang tells her that they will help her to get to the city and protect her from the heartless. Eugene could than become a Party member as I have no clue how they would pull off Rapunzel. We than would also see some of mother gothels attemps to stop us by using the heartless. while we travel with her she tells us about her live inside the tower and sora begins to questions mother gothels true motives. They arrive in the city and than have to defend it from more attacking heartless. When the it begins to get dark the three decide to leave eugene and Rapunzel alone and watch the lights somewhere else. Than mother gothel kidnaps Rapunzel and ties eugene to the boat. The next morning we help him get out of Prison, he tells us that he is a thieve and stole the crown. We than go and save rapunzel and the level ends with mother gothel as the endboss atleast I hope we can fight her personaly instead of fighting some heartless and than see her die in a cutscene because this woman evil incarnate and I want the satisfaction to punch her in the face! Than Sora and his friends leave having learned a very important lesson not everyone who is close to you has good intentions, evil can wear a mask (which ties into the whole Xehanort birth by sleep story) so what do you think? Could this be The exact Plot of this level? Will we look back on this thread when KH3 comes out and be amazed how accurate it is? Let me hear it.
He makes so valid criticism but the way I see it is that somethin being convoluted is not bad in itself if it was but I Did not make sense! no that would be something to be pissed about, we will see If nomura can answer all questions that are left in KH3, but I have to fully agree about his critic that some characters dont behave the way they should alltough its a long time that I played FF7 wasnt it that clouds emo personality was something he inveted because he though thats how a soldier behaves?
never heard of that game but imagining japanese Dark souls is kind of funny