daddy no!not the belt!
I dont get it either but I would like to know do you americans but ham on hawaiian pizza? because thats the only way I is made over here. I can imagine that some people find the pineapple in combanation with the sauce to sweet but to me nice big chunks of salty ham neutralize it. But taste for food is like the taste in art its almost entirely subjectiv.
oh boy oh boy oh boy!
I need aspirin
"swoosh swoosh"
ah awesome while I did find the first 2 books (and the manga) lacking at first I did realize that they became Increasingly better as time went by so I am excited
well you can grow weed in japan if you have a license sooo
no problem You opinion is as valid as mine
I actually did thats why I said it would be nice to see them having a long talk thereby adressing some of the issues that you brought up sorry if that wasnt clear enough.
If I had one wish for KH3 (besides that I want to fight mother gothel mysel and not some heartless fighting on her behalf) is that we get to see a nice long and serious talk between kairi and sora aaannnd maybe a little kissing ;)
Oh my god I always get so happy when I see new life thank you. I suggest that you should name it sora, kairi or riku they are all unisex names and they are beautiful atleast I want to name my son or daughter after a character in kingdom hearts one day
I am now sure that there isnt a single thing in this world that hasnt its own anime about it
anything is better than pizza hut
this text was just beautiful, you and I feel very similar about this game. Kingdom hearts is more than just a fanfiction that a bunch if fourth graders could have come up during recess. It is a wonderful piece of art that creates a strong moral foundation for every child that plays it. Its the equivalent of the poster with the Kitten that says "hang in there" About your what if Scenario, that is precisely how I felt when if first played it when I was little Kingdom hearts is the foundation for my entire nerdyness because it planted this thought into my brain!(which i also explained in my first kingdom hearts retrospective video) all I can say is keep the admiration and fanboyness alive and may your heart be you guiding key ;)
yea, but that nobody is definitely something
oh yes controllers like these are specialy good for left handed people
another one soo quick? wow you guys are diligent!
was anyone else thinking of samurai jack at the end of that trailer?
true but its worth noting that the author but chapter 6 before 2 which is after 12.