cute is that a reference to any specific anime show? Somehow it feels familiar
the next couple of months will be most interesting
Guess I have to look up in what he has been in
Depending on how far the game is in creation they can still put in the newset of disney films my top prediction is Star wars or some marvel movie world
My prayers have been answered! its really happening guys! "waits 3 more years"
hopefully I remember to watch te livestream
I just want to Point out that when I say Sora has "the one" keyblade I mean his is the one that matters most of all or rather it matters most that he has one
I thought we were going to hunt bad guys with those :(
no argument there
I agree way to many people have keyblades. But this dosent bother me to much just as long sora has the one and only true keayblade! Any other person had to be allowed by another keyblade wielder to get one, but sora got his because the universe chose him not because of ventus thats a missconception
agree that is pretty decent
dont we all hide in the shadows somehow? #superdeep
Get the motor running!Get out on the highway!!
still want that nobody and that heartless the human figues are a bit to much in the uncanny valley for my taste
I actually have myself under control pretty good If I say 5 more minutes than it is five more minutes or if I am not at home for a week or two than I dont feel like recovering addict because I am away from the internet same with video games or my phone. I spend so much time on them because i want to
I wish I had been part of this forum back then
good job square good job
cats are royalty