Better... still up set but im getting over it slowly. I get lonley at school when I look over to his desk and realize he isn't here anymore.
Hi :) we haven't talke in awhile
Thank you so much for your understanding. And thank you for your comment... I am officialy writing the next chapter now. I feel this sort of inspiration bubbling in me. I don't know when I will be done though I can't wait to post this chapter up :D
There probably will not be another chapter soon. Because my friend just... passed away. I am trying to work on it but i've got too much on my mind.
mm thanks, its ok. Sleep is what makes me feel better so goodnight.
He was shot by a police officer. He was being stupid and didn't get on the ground when they asked him to. I don't know the whole story. That was...
My friend just passed away.
Thanks i guess. My friend just passed away from taking a bullet to the heart it is what i am feeling. My friend Unmei Riku said it might help if other people knew what i was feeling. It does sort of make me feel better in a way. I didn't know where else to post this. I went to his funeral last night. It was beautiful, it wasn't one of those expensive ones. His family had it outside at night. Everybody light candles and listnened to a song that represented what happened. They had candles lit all around a picture of him and it was very emotional. I meet lots of new people that he was friends with. Everybody was sad. It felt almost comforting though everybody from all around had come to say there apologies and blessings, everybody was there for one reason. I'm glad I had gone even though it made me look like an emotional mess.
I didn't realize alot of people had done this :p oh well can't stop now. I don't know when i can get the next chapter in, because i've been going through some hard times... maybe soon though
thanks good night unmei
"My skin is white, and my friends is black. that doesn't stop us from being who we are, it doesn't stop us from doing the impossible. when people look at us they see only the skin we are in, but if they look deeper they will see our heart. My heart that has gone through tough times and good times, hard times and sad times. Is now brusied, but it will move on. My friends was taken away from him, but will live in my heart forever. I will and shall never forget him." My friend was shot a couple of days ago, and i will miss him. But i've got to move on that is partly why this group was made to help people get over things and to comfort them.
aww okay then its a deal :)
uh huh :D i think i will set up a group for girls and there hard times.
"My skin is white, and my friend's is black. That doesn't stop us from being who we are, it doesn't stop us from doing the impossible. When people look at us they see only the skin we are in, but if they look deeper they will see our hearts. My heart that has gone through tough times and good times, hard times and sad times, is now brusied. But it will move on. My friend's was taken away from him, but will live in my heart forever. I will and shall never forget him."
ok i will :) thanks for helping me
i don't know. there are alot of jerks on here that might think of it as crap, and that wont help at all :(
he was trying to get into his house, and some person saw him and thought it was a break in so he called the police i don't know all the details...
one of my good friends got shot the other day and he died... -cries-
hi -sniff- i haven't seen yoo in awhile
lolz mines is verooca salt or how ever you spell her name :p shes stuck up though