Thanks :) i'm working on it. I am aiming for 10/4 but I will probably be done by then. it's not that hard for me to finish chapters. And I have an idea of what will happen in the story, but i guess i will just have to find where it leads me.
okay i shall tell her when she gets on :)
mkay i can ask my friend if she wants to join if you want?
lol yup i know just wanted to explain to you how i thought of her as... anyways when does it start? :D
okay i thought of some stuff! she has a key blade and all so that can be her main weapon... please can she be emo? :D I want her to be a villian....
I am!!! This person right here! :D I've played all the sims from TS1 to TS3 I love them all! But I agree with some other people on here, The Sims 2 I think is alot more fun than The Sims 3, but probably because it took forever for The Sims 3 to come out, so that was the only game (besides The Sims) that we could play. I think The Sims 3 has way better details than the two other platforms, but in The Sims 2 you can make creative and pretty sims. And with The Sims 3 it has kind of a basic look and you can't really express the sims face, like accessories etc. I have to add, also, that I like the way The Sims 3 doesn't have to load when playing live mode. And when it does it doesn't take that long (unless you have a slow computer).
hmmm now that you mention it... i gotta go but i will think of some stuff and tell you later :D bai
Yay mkay can i be emo Kairi? lol
So I can pick anyone whos not already chosen? this is really awesome!
umm okay? im actually at school right now :p lol but sure
I have to go to bed now. goodnight Darkcloud :D
hehehe I know right? black mullet eh... sounds interesting. But im not into dressing up anymore :( sad right? me and my friends are gonna watch a...
Pfff... I LOVE IT! hahaha me? I'm not being anything but if I was i would probably be a pumpkin.find something orange and wear it lol I wore...
Thanks. Could anyone point the mistakes out? it would be helpful so i could fix them and make sure i don't do it again. :D
so what are you being for holloween?
hehe mkay... gah i just remembered i have homework but instead of doing it i was working on my thread. uh oh my teacher gonna kill me!!!... ah oh...
lol? how old are you? creeper :p
Hmmm okay... hows bout you? im super bored and really tired. I just got done with the second chapter of my thread its really late here lol.
Hey Darkcloud! :)
Chapter 2 ~A New Day~ This is the second chapter everybody! Woot woot! I can't believe I finished it already, but I guess I do have quiet a bit of free time. Enjoy comment and critic if there is any spelling errors etc. :D ~~~~ Kairi tossed and turned in her sleep. Her cream cotton sheets tangling her skinny body damp with sweat. _____ Kairi looked around at the familiar scene, she was standing on a sand platform. She heard someone call out her name and looked up. Surprise etched on her face as Sora came running up to her. “Sora.” They were mere inches apart when the ground shook. “Whoa!” Kairi fell forward, Sora caught her by the arm and helped her up so they could see eye to eye. Keeping her hand in his “Kairi remember what you said before? I’m always with you too. I’ll come back to you I promise!” The platforms were moving father and farther apart, there hands slipping from one another’s. “I know you will.” There hands broke, as they could no longer stay together. Staring back at each other for what felt like forever. “To be with him forever… that sounds perfect.” Kairi thought looking back at Sora one last time. ____ Kairi bolted strait up in bed breathing heavily. Trying to calm herself down she realized it was just a nightmare. She opened up her window next to the bed and closed her eyes to feel the cool breeze. “Just a dream.” Kairi took one last gulp of air and held it. “Well I wouldn’t exactly call it a dream, it did happen right?” Namine` said with a shaky voice. She felt what Kairi had felt and tried her best to keep herself calm. “Sorry Namine` did you see that?” Kairi whisper, trying her best to keep quiet. “Yeah, I’m okay… but I didn’t know you were so scared to lose Sora, um again I guess.” “Gah… not that scared.” Kairi unbuttoned her pajama shirt to reveal a white camisole and lay back down. She laced her fingers together and gently placed them on her stomach. Namine` was being quiet waiting for an honest answer. “Okay so maybe I would be complete mess is Sora had to go away again.” Just thinking about it made Kairi’s heart ache. She patted her stomach to try to get her mind off the subject. “I’m tired Namine` we can talk in the morning.” “Hmm alright goodnight Kairi.” Namine` felt badly about turning this into a conversation. Kairi turned onto her right side and looked out at the full moon, her eyes slowly closing shut thinking of happy thoughts. “Being with Sora forever…” Kairi thought to herself and with that she fell asleep peacefully. ~In the morning~ ~Kairi~ “Kairi?” “Uh… hmm.” “Kairi!” “Huh!” Kairi opened her eyes and recoiled from the brightness. When she opened them again she looked to where her alarm clock was on her bed-side-table. “6 o’clock? Why’s it so bright?” Kairi cupped one hand over her eyes to shield the sun. “It’s the brightest day of the year. You know what that means.” No answer from Kairi. “Uh… I guess you don’t remember. Today is when Destiny Island has a really big party down at the beach it’s like a holiday or something. You told me yourself.” “Oh… OH right! Sorry Namine` I’m still tired, from last night and all.” Kairi got to her knees and stuck her head out the open window, smelling the warm sea salt breeze. “I guess you also forgot that it is one of the most biggest dating events too?” Kairi could see Namine` give a sly smile and turned red. She lay back down on her bed and felt the sun’s rays give warmth to her body. “So do you know when the party starts? You seem to know every other detail.” Namine` gave a shy laugh “Hehe… actually that would be nice information to know.” “Guess I’m just going to have to go into town.” Kairi got out of bed; she could feel the soft carpet under her toes and walked over to her closet doors. “We can go shopping there too. I think I have some early birthday money from Granny and Pa.” She pulled on the handles and looked in her closet. “What so you think I should wear Namine`?” “Nothing to casual right now. You’re going to want to ‘wow’ Sora later.” Namine` giggled to herself but Kairi wasn’t laughing. “Sorry… okay I think that pink dress of yours will do fine.” “But it feels like I always wear that and it’s in the hamper so that’s out.” Kairi grabbed a gray T-shirt off a hanger and some denim shorts from a pile of clothing on the ground. “How about these together? It’s not to casual and it’s comfy.” “Okay sounds good.” “I can take a shower before the party. I don’t want to risk getting all dirty.” Kairi took off her pajama shirt, camisole and pants and threw them on her bed. She threw the gray T-shirt over her head and slipped the denim shorts on. She walked over to her full body mirror hanging on the wall next to her desk to check how she looked. “Great now that we have your outfit picked out lets work on that hair.” As Kairi was getting her flat iron out of the desk something dropped that looked like a star. She stopped and put the flat iron back on the desk and got down on her knees to see what it was. “Hah!” Kairi gasped to see that it was hers and Sora’s lucky charm. The charm she had given him to borrow when they were in Traverse Town. Tears were swelling up in Kairi’s eyes. Remembering only 2 years ago, it felt like forever ago. “Kairi?” Namine` sounded like she was going to cry do to Kairi’s emotions. Tears fell rapidly down Kairi’s cheeks but she was being quiet. “Kairi come on we have to get ready.” Namine` was crying now too. “I- I’m sorry Namine`… I never got over the fact that-“ Kairi was interrupted by a knocking on her door. She clenched the lucky charm tighter in her hands. “Kairi? Are you up?” A soft and sweet voice was muffled from behind the door. Kairi wiped the tears from her cheeks and got up. Putting the charm in her pocket. “Uh yeah mom I’m up.” She opened the door but not before she looked in the mirror. “Oh goo- Kairi? Are you okay sweet heart?” She rested her hands on Kairi’s shoulders her face full of worry and concern. She patiently waited for an answer. “It’s nothing mom. I’m just thinking about… stuff.” Kairi looked away from her mothers piercing green eyes. The charm felt heavy in her left pocket. “Do ya want to talk about it?” Her mom rubbed Kairi’s arms gently and pursed her lips like she always did when she was worried. Kairi smiled at her bothered mother and shook her head ‘no’. “Okay, but you know you can tell me anything right?” “Yes I know.” Kairi’s mom let go of her and went over to her hamper. “I’m doing the laundry have any other dirty clothes?” “No not that I know of.” Kairi looked around the room to double check. “Mkay, love you.” As she walked out of the room with Kairi’s dirty clothes, Kairi went back over to the desk, grabbed the straightener and plugged it in ready to finally get out of the house. ~Sora~ Sora and Selphie met up in Town Square where 100s of people were shopping, eating, or getting ready for tonight’s festival. Sora was here to buy something for Kairi and Selphie knew he could never pick out something decent so forced him into letting her go. “So where do you think we should go?” Sora looked at Selphie questioningly, he had no clue where to look. “We go to Kairi’s favorite store silly.” Her bubbly voice filled the air. She was dancing around and around not caring what other people thought. “Okay what did you have for breakfast? And what’s Kairi’s favorite store?” He looked around at all the different people and spotted a couple of kids resting by the fountain soaking in the sun. “He he. La la la di da!” Selphie sang out. Sora grabbed her arm before she could wander off. “Seriously Selphie! Are you on drugs or something?” Selphie was a bit shocked from Sora’s out burst. Sora noticed her face. “Sorry. But what is going on with you? You’re not normally this hyper.” “Oh um I actually don’t know. I drank some of Tidus` water after me, Wakka and him were done playing Blitzball. Now that you mention it Tidus was also acting hyper. Not like his usual self.” Selphie shrugged. “Ugh. The seawater would’ve probably been safer to drink. Who knows what Tidus put in that. I can ask him later for you but back to Kairi’s favorite shop?” Sora let go of his hold on Selphie. “Right umm let’s see… she likes a sea shell store around the corner by the docks it’s called Sally’s Seashells. I don’t really go in there alot. But you can go see what they have, I want to go see what’s on sale today.” Selphie smiled and ran off waving. “Do you think she will be okay by herself?” Sora’s friend amused Roxas. “Ah I don’t know. I’m sure she will.” Sora started around the corner looking up at the sky. When he got down to the docks sure enough there was a small store called ‘Sally’s Seashells’. “At least her memory’s fine, you think it was just a energy drink?” “Maybe. Lets go in.” Sora walked up to the little seashell antique store and checked it out. It was made of mostly wood and had nick knacks everywhere. Every shelf was different either by what items it had on it or the shape and look of the shelf itself. Running the cashier was an orange haired teen a little older than Sora. She had a blue camisole and white capris on. Her straight hair was long and had blonde highlights in it. “May I help you?” The cashier asked walking around the counter. Both hers and Sora’s footsteps echoed around in the store. “Uh hi. Do you know a girl named Kairi? A friend of mine says she comes here to buy seashells.” Sora still dumbstruck at how many items could fit onto one table finally looked at the teenage girl and was amazed to see she looked a lot like Selphie. “Yes I do. My little sister and her are best friends. Did you come here to look for her?” She gave a wide grin. “Oh my name is Sabine by the way.” “Sora. And I’m actually here to buy Kairi something.” Sora blushed and scratched his head. “I know you, you’re the one she likes.” Sabine pointed a finger at him and her smile grew even bigger which caused Sora to blush even more. “I know the perfect thing!” She rushed over to her counter and grabbed a blue rectangle box. Sora looked confused at first but then she opened it revealing a silver necklace with a sapphire star on its chain. It glimmered in the blinding sun pooling down from the stained glass windows. “That’s perfect! How much is it?” Sora looked at Sabine anxiously already imagining Kairi’s face when he gives it to her. “Originally 20 dollars.” Sora looked in his pocket for his money. “But for a friend with a special need… 10.” “Really?” Sora took the money out of his pocket and handed it to Sabine. Then she put the necklace back in the box and handed that to Sora. “Thanks so much Sabine.” “No problem. Come back soon will ya?” Sora nodded and ran out of the store and back onto the docks. He took out the necklace and admired it. “Kairi’s gonna love it man.” Roxas was looked at the sapphire star in awe. He couldn’t wait to see it on Namine`. “Yeah.” Sora was so absorbed in the beauty of the necklace. “So have you asked her yet?” Sora knew what he was getting at but just shrugged. To be honest Sora was nervous to ask Kairi to the party tonight. “Well you better. Ever since you told me about this holiday I can’t wait to dance with Namine`.” “Who said we were dancing? I don’t know how to dance.” “It’s a party Sora. You are supposed to dance at parties. Besides if you want to ask Kairi you better do it fast. Other guys have already asked her but she turned them down. If she thinks you aren’t going to she might end up with some jerk.” Sora put the necklace away and headed to Town Square to look for Selphie. “How do you know that? And for your information I plan to ask her at lunch when we all meet up at the seafood place down by the beach.” Sora turned the corner and walked up to the fountain. The kids were gone now so he could sit down. A female walked pass him when he was talking to Roxas looked at him like he was crazy and then walked away shaking her head. Sora didn’t notice though. “Namine` told me. And you better stop talking to me or people are gonna think you’re crazy.” “You think I care what other people think? But fine have it your way.” Sora saw Selphie coming up to him carrying tons of shopping bags that looked extremely heavy to Sora. She looked exhausted. “Wow! Hi again Selphie, looks like you went all out.” “Hah hah… ugh!” She collapsed by Sora. “I am soooooo tired. All these sales I had to go to… I was running… hah back and forth!” Selphie was catching her breath while trying to talk. “So what did you get Kairi?” Sora took out the necklace from his pocket and showed it to Selphie. “Oh wow! That’s so… pretty.” Selphie tore her gaze from the star pendant and looked at Sora. “Where did you get this?” “Your sister’s shop. You never told me you had a sister.” “Oh yeah sorry I would have but do you think I would have gotten all these clothes and accessories if I sat there chatting? Nope hehe.” Selphie smiled. “Anyways I gotta get home now. See ya at lunch Sora.” Selphie got up and heaved her way through crowd. “I don’t know how she can carry all those bags.” Sora watched her practically drag the bags behind her. He hoped she wouldn’t pass out from extreme tiredness. “You fought thousands of heartless and you think a couple bags are hard. Sometimes I find it hard to believe it was you who saved our universe.” “HEY! You wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for me and Riku.” All the people around the key blade master stopped to look at this ‘crazy’ child who talked to himself. “Sora stop yelling your making people suspicious. Lets go down to the beach there aren’t much people there.” Sora got up and walked down the long road leading to the beach. When he got there Roxas was right, there weren’t more than two people. He gazed across the ocean to the islands where he Riku and Kairi always hung out. Sora and Roxas heard footsteps behind them and when they turned around to see who it was it was none other than Riku him self. “Hey Riku.” Sora was glad to finally have some decent company. Not someone who lived inside his mind or some peppy girl who acted hyper all the time. “Hey. Did you finally come to help me with the party decorations?” Sora looked at what Riku had in his hands; party supplies and tools. “Uh isn’t that for the ladies to do?” “I’m only doing it because my parents participated us in helping out. So I kind of have to do it.” “Oh man I feel sorry for you.” Sora laughed at how bad he felt for Riku. “Yeah last thing I wanted was to get stuck with this job. I’d rather be sitting on the islands enjoying the weather.” Riku set the boxes down and joined Sora relaxing on the sand. “So you ask her yet?” “Um at lunch. I don’t really know what to say, what if she’s already accepted some other guys invitation.” “Trust me there’s no one else she’d rather go with.” “Thanks Riku. What about you? Have you asked anyone?” Sora laughed some more when he saw Riku blush, answering his question. “Who is it?” “You’re just going to have to find out.” Riku got back up and picked up his box. “See you tonight.” “Aww come on. Wait your not coming to lunch with us?” Sora watched as Riku walked up the shoreline and on to sandy sidewalk. Riku nudged his head towards the tools and decorations that needed to be put up. “Right. Well okay see you then.” Riku walked down the sidewalk to the other end of the beach where tonight’s party was being held. Sora looked back to the islands and wondered what Kairi was up to. ~Kairi~ Kairi had been walking around town, bag hanging over her right shoulder ready to go on a shopping spree like Selphie had. The Town Square was just as crowded when Sora was here. “Okay looking for sales. See any?” “Only the ones that you do.” Namine` sounded excited to help Kairi pick out an outfit, even though she had only been taken shopping a couple of times she loved looking at all the franchise. “Oooooo look at that store. They have some pretty cool looking stuff.” Kairi pointed to the store made of white stone and had tropic looking plants growing from vases by the display window. “I know where you’re looking at Kairi no need to point.” “Right, hehe. Lets go in!” Kairi skipped over to the entrance and looked around. It looked like it had just opened since there were only a couple of people. “Oh good it’s not crowded. Oooo look at this dress!” Kairi walked over to a cream-colored baby doll dress that would look great on her. “Lets try it on Namine`!” In the changing room Kairi looked at herself in the mirror. She looked stunning with the dress on, her long crimson hair and the dresses color matched perfectly together. “I think this is the one.” Kairi examined herself once more moving her hands along her bodies’ curves. “Me too I really like this Kairi. I can’t wait for Roxas to see me in it… and I know Sora’s going to be breathless when he sees you.” “Thanks. Okay ready? All we need now is some accessories and a new pair of shoes and we should be done.” Kairi started taking off the dress and grabbed her other clothes. She slid her T-shirt on and then put her shorts back on. She left the changing room and went up to the cashier to pay for the dress. “Have a good day ma’am.” Kairi smiled as a reply to the cashier and left the store to find a shoe shop, then on to accessories. Tonight is going to be a good night. __ The next chapter should be up soon :)