I'm at school right now asking my best friend (politly) why she decided to get me a llama. she said "because they were on sale %50 percent." I couldn't believe it, she will never pass down a sale. she even said that they threw in the 'movable' cage for free. i don't understand... what she thinks. but hey were pretty much family so its okay to buy 'sibilings' big animals. I think i am actually starting to like it :)
OOC- i shall be back in... 5 hours so don't start without meeeeee.
no it's real alright. i will put some pictures up when i get my camera back. and i will pick between one name on here. so i found out she didn't take a plane she drove her dads truck and bought one of those cage things to bring the llama home. i love her to death but she can be crazy at most times. but thats why we're best friends lol :p
hahahaha :p okay any smart ideas? it's hard to feed. right now im at school, i wonder what my mom is doing with it... on second thought i don't...
yeah it's living in my backyard and my mom is inseparable from it. i don't know what to do any ideas?
my friend bought me a llama... how about you?
I never said i wasn't grateful! well it may have seemed so but i am happy! and it wasn't in front of them i did my best to look... thankful. maybe me and the llama will become friends... in the future but right now i don't really know what to do with it and its not like i can go to the store and buy llama food. its hard work to care for a pet that can't fit in the house.
heeeeeello darkcloud!!! :D
The second time for me was hard.. i think it took me about 3 times. the only thing i had trouble with was killing the water clones in time, other wise he was a pretty easy boss battle
okay i will...? my mom adores it, being the blonde she is, after getting over her freak attack. so i think i will have to keep it :( huuuuu
umm... nice okay? im definatly not keeping it though lol maybe.
lol? sure what the hell.
Kairi: mkay... uhh hurry pluto! i might have to go before we start :(
I have know f'n clue. She could do anything she wanted if she put her mind to it.
yeah... its small though well as small as a llama can get. its in my backyard right now and my mom was freaking out when she saw it there
Kairi: Yaaaaaays!!! :D whos team am i on? OOC - wow this will be interesting.
So my friend went away on vacation and for a fun surprise she brought me back a llama... when she came to my house to bring it over i was thinking "what the f***!". She is like the complete opposite of me, shes hyper bubbly and buys people llamas for presents. gawd what the hell am I supposed to do with this stinky thing, i swear my life is not going well.
Kairi: Sounds fun!!! :D can I join? or have you already picked contestants...
ooc - wow i've missed alot... bic - Kairi: *runs up to the stage and looks to where the rest of the contestants are sitting* woah! *walks up to everybody on the bench* whats going on?
Hey :D .