Thank you. I am going to try it right now. I have been trying several different combinations of this code and I have just gotten a little frustrated. EDIT: It didn't work. I have NTSC Kingdom Hearts II. It is American. And I have an Action Replay Max. How come it's not working?
Spoiler Sora Model Mod 51CXXXXX 00000020 01CYYYYY 00000000 Values B96F0 - Normal Sora B9750 - Valor Sora B97B0 - Wisdom Sora B9810 - Master Sora B9870 - Final Sora B98D0 - Anti Sora C1670 - Normal Sora [Halloween Town] C5F30 - Valor Sora [Halloween Town] C5F90 - Wisdom Sora [Halloween Town] C5FF0 - Master Sora [Halloween Town] C6050 - Final Sora [Halloween Town] C60B0 - Anti Sora [Halloween Town] D0B50 - Normal Sora [Space Paranoids] D1210 - Valor Sora [Space Paranoids] D12D0 - Wisdom Sora [Space Paranoids] D1390 - Master Sora [Space Paranoids] D1450 - Final Sora [Space Paranoids] D1510 - Anti Sora [Space Paranoids] D0BB0 - Normal Sora [Timeless River] D1270 - Valor Sora [Timeless River] D1330 - Wisdom Sora [Timeless River] D13F0 - Master Sora [Timeless River] D14B0 - Final Sora [Timeless River] D1570 - Anti Sora [Timeless River] This mod gives the form "YYYY" the appearance of the form "XXXX." Please note that this mod cannot be converted for the ARMAX. Use the alternate version below if you have an ARMAX because this mod can be converted. Sora: 21CB96F4 YYYYYYYY 21CB96F8 ???????? Valor: 21CB9754 YYYYYYYY 21CB9758 ???????? Wisdom: 21CB97B4 YYYYYYYY 21CB97B8 ???????? Master: 21CB9814 YYYYYYYY 21CB9818 ???????? Final: 21CB9874 YYYYYYYY 21CB9878 ???????? Anti: 21CB98D4 YYYYYYYY 21CB98D8 ???????? YYYYYYYY Digits: 00303031 Normal Sora 5F303031 Form (use this if you are replacing it with a form model) ???????? Digits: 00000000 Sora 464C5442 Valor 4647414D Wisdom 46495254 Master 46544C55 Final 58455F50 Anti Just replace the digits and you're done. I can not get this code to work. It says that it can't be converted for armax but then it also says to use the code below. Can someone help? I wanted to replace sora's new outfit with antiform.
Hey. Can you help me with something? I want to be able to use a code on my action replay but I don't have the know how to do it. Can you Help?...
I really don't know what to say about this... Just in time for Christmas? I hope? If so then my dad is going to go ape **** for this. We both love those movies to death. YES!!!!! I knew they would make one eventually.
I guess you didn't understand the joke. Song of The South was a banned Disney movie. Look it up sometime. I think it's pretty funny. On another note. I would really like to see a Who Framed Roger Rabit world. That would be nice. Very nice.
I would like to see a Song of The South world... No. I'm kidding. A sleeping beauty world would be pretty cool.
That code doesn't work. Along with all the rest of the codes on this site. What the hell is going on here? Why is it that none of the codes work...
It's a no school day for me. No school forever. YES. I'm lovin it.
avy- 5/10 sig- 6/10 Your signiture has a poem about death in it.
First: How long have you had the laptop? Second: How long has this problem been going on? Third: Are you willing to open it up and fix the problem? The only other thing you can do is use another mouse. Just plug a USB mouse in it and just use that. Or you could always go to some computer store and have them fix it.
Let me add my 2 cents to this. I speak from personal experience. First of all: You are making this too big a deal. Second: No you shouldn't just make out with your best friend just for the hell of it. Making out is fun. And that's all it's meant to be. If you like it then you like it. If you don't you don't. It is something that should be saved up for that "special person" in your life that you love and shouldn't be wasted on just anyone. I have made out with my fiance on several occasions. By making out you mean kiss and touch then yes. But if you mean making out as taking it a step further then that... Well then you would be out of your mind to do it with your best friend. Even if your best friend means a lot to you. And just some person on the street... Are you sure were not talking about harlots here?
Are you sure the code works? I have tried a lot of codes on this site and so far all of them are excepted by my ar max but don't work. I'm...
Banned for banning me for banning someone that needed to be banned for not knowing how to spell. If you can continue that and not get it mixed up you will win a cookie.
Banned for not knowing how to spell or not taking the time to spell.
Well I would agree with you but I graduated last year. Which gives me the right to check out all the young hot teachers. I had a teacher that was very attractive too. She would drop a paper on purpose and take a while to pick it up. Nice. Nice.
Banned for knowing how to count and for keeping count of what those fools are doing.... And for having a 0 post count...?
Banned for taking her seriously. Also I'm engaged so it doesn't matter anyway.
Banned because you confuse the **** out of me. Seriously. It's not a boy?
Banned because I'm not gay... Nuff said.
Banned for not being faster then me.