On the main page of this site i guess. There is a post too on the forum. Or you can go on youtube.
Re: coded, a truly misterious game... Did you saw the trailer?
Hello! Hey, care to share your thoghts of KH recoded? Yes? No?
This E3 was kinda good for KH! Well, and about the story line, 3D is probably set after coded.
Aahahah ok so we're cool. :D
Yeah, cheer up man!
Relax, you're too young to feel depressed.
Yeah, you guessed right. well, at least she knows now.
Oh my god! I'm starting to feeling old here. ehehehe Ok, i will see what i can do. I'm not making any promises ok?
OK, how old are you? And this is akward, how can i do that?
Yeah, it looks like it.
Hmmm maybe she is reading something.
That makes two of us. :D She isn't answering me too.
:D I just try to help people around me.
Just be yourself. Tell her the truth. Ask her something she likes to see if you like too. This kind of things.
I just said that is hard to trust people you don't know. It's hard for everyone to just find good and real friends.
It's ok. There are a lot of bad people on the web these days. It's hard to trust others like this.
Oh! Right! Don't worry, i'm not that kind of person. I really like to talk to people and when it's a girl is even better :D But we're just friends.
Ah? Please, say it again. I don't think i understood.
What? No, we're just friends. Why?