No, i'm from the club "I don't own a psp too"
I hope so. I got mine for that reason.
So, do you have a PSP?
Yeah... It sucks the fact that we don't know anything of the game...:(
Hey! I'm fine, just wondering about KH3.
Hello! I saw you in my topic! Let's be friends since we both are new here!:D
Awesome!! I don't think i can't wait for it to be launched.
Hey, i gotta log out now. I'm tired so i'm gonna sleep. See ya!
Nah, i wanted some chalenge.
If you complete it in standard mode in get the secret ending. If you do it on begginner mode or proud mode you get nothing. Just clearing the...
ahahahah ok. So, about KH2: have you completed Jimmy's jornal?
That's ok.:D it seems you don't wanna talk about Kingdom Hearts. what do you wanna talk about? If you wanna talk of course.
hey, calm down man. Let's be cool ok? Just say if you're not on the mood to talk.
hmmm i don't know. But you are the first online that i saw. So, you don't know nothing about recoded? And what is Idk?
Mickey using Sora to change something of the past i guess. I don't really know.
ah? What do you mean?
it says something about people in torment in the past. And about having to go back to free them.
Aahahahaha yeah, i think everyone wants that. But man, I'm really curious about the message on the jornal.
Oh my god! All those names! Well, i guess it's the keyblade talking to then. But maybe with Sora is the King. About Ven, I don't have any idea.
So, what do you expect from this game? (Recoded I mean)